Paper Example on SNAP Program: Economic and Political Factors Shaping Its Implementation

Paper Type:  Case study
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  695 Words
Date:  2023-01-11


The economic factor that shapes the SNAP program is the income and wage., if the income is low, the number of people eligible for the SNAP program increases as compared to when the income and wage are high. SNAP also stimulates economic activity during inflation and economic crisis. The political factors include political rivalry among the liberals and the conservatives as well as politics that influences the economic and social policies

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How the implementation of the SNAP program been successful and Unsuccessful

The implentation of thane snap program was successful in that it reduced hunger among the recipient and provided a balanced diet to the people. The snap programs provide nutritional benefits to supplement the basic food budget of then needy households to enable them to purchase healthy food and improve self-sufficiency. The low SES families got fed albeit not adequately and there were some large families that could not be adequately satisfied by the SNAP program especially those families without employed individuals. Nevertheless, the programs were not successful because of the coverages and the fact that the diet is not customized or individualized to meet induvial nutritional needs.

What should be changed about SNAP program

There are two things that I need to be changed:

The coverage

The eligibility criteria are quite limiting which leave many deserving people out. With the current inflation and other economic factors, setting the SNAP-eligible gross monthly income is $1,245 or less for an individual and $2,552 or less for a household of four based on 2013 values, this criterion locks many deserving people out. The criteria should be changed to $1500 for individual and $3000 for families of four

The nutritional values of the foods

Poverty and malnutrition are some of the main problems facing the low SES families especial their children. Which mean that the people who are eligible to SNAP are also the same people who are at risk of malnutrition. The SNAP programs do not consider providing individualized snap diet for each family.

How the SNAP program reflect liberal values and conservative values

The liberal values have consistently been against the snap program. The SNAP program reflection the liberal programs by virtue of the amount allocated for the SNAP programs since they have been criticizing the program and curtailing debates to increase the allocation. On the other hand, the conservative values have been represented by the SNAP program by ensuring that only the most deserving people are in the snap program. With the recent decision of president Donald Trump, the programs have been revamped to avoid wastage.

Social workers are often asked to confront difficult policy issues with far fewer resources

How organizational policies can set the scope and limits of practice?

Agency organizational policies set the scope and limit of practices by creating policies and procedures manual used by the workers. The policies are discussed by all stakeholders and documented for use by the staff

How Carrie can meet her ethical responsibilities to the broader society

Carrie can only meet her ethical responsibility to the society through consultation with the society, agency-based ethics committee, and social work organization ethics committees. Other bodies with which Carrie can consult include the regulatory bod9ies, the knowledgeable colleagues as well as the supervisors. All conflicts must be solved in a manner consistent with the core values, principles as well as the standard code of conducts.

How Carrie can overcome the roadblocks she faces in her advocacy work

Carrie as a social worker must consult widely and use advocacy, engagement as well as negotiation to find the best solution (Pelletier, Kraak, McCullum & Uusitalo, 2000). Consultation can help her find a solution that does not conflict with the organoiron codes, policies and standard operating procedures.

The motivation to commit time and energy to influence policy despite barriers

The main motivation is the general welfare of the community. In this case, the goal was to design and deliver a nutritionally balanced diet to the people through the snap programs, the benefits that that will accrue from the program is enough motivation.


Pelletier, D., Kraak, V., McCullum, C., & Uusitalo, U. (2000). Values, public policy, andcommunity food security. Agriculture and Human Values, 17(1), 75-93. doi: 10.1023/a:1007668425322

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Paper Example on SNAP Program: Economic and Political Factors Shaping Its Implementation. (2023, Jan 11). Retrieved from

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