Paper Example on Application for Administrator Job

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  560 Words
Date:  2023-07-12

As indicated in my CV, I have been handling administrative jobs for over five years. Currently, I am the inventory manager at an electrical company. It is a role that I have served with diligence and care. It is my wish to expand my administrative abilities, and I found your company suitable for that opportunity. I have also worked previously in three different roles as a clerk, project manager and an inventory officer after which I was promoted to the position of an inventory manager. It is a role that has helped grow to the level I am today, and I am very appreciative of my current employer. We had a mutual agreement that I needed a new challenge. I applied for the administrative job in good faith and blessings from my current employer.

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I am passionate about every task assigned to me. In my current position as an inventory manager, I have been successful in ensuring that the whole inventory process of item listing is technologically supported so that each piece is easily accounted for and found when needed. It helped to address the issue of loss at the company. The role involves multitasking and helped me grow my multitasking abilities to ensure that all the required tasks are performed with excellence and at minimal time wastage. The passion in me gave me a strong motivation to see every goal is met and that is how the inventory department has been able to perform better under my watch and leadership with the help of the team members.

I am a result-oriented person. As an inventory manager, a lot of administrative roles were to be accomplished, and expectations were high. Every team member needed to feel appreciated. As a manager, I had to ensure that the job is well done and on time despite the need for teamwork and harmony. Being a result-oriented person made it easy to work and accomplish the task as an inventory manager. It is an attitude that I will still apply everywhere I go.

I am a skilled person. My communication skills have helped me to communicate plans and implement them as an inventory manager. Over the last five years, I have acquired skills that I believe will be very critical for an administrator. I am looking for a position that will provide new challenges and expectation that have to be met and one that will leverage my acquired skills and put them to use.

Being dedicated to tasks assigned is a virtue I hold dear. I have served all my positions with dedication and commitment do believe that when given a task to perform, you should not be reminded to do what you need to do and that is the spirit that has been me come this far. I appreciate my ability to maintain self-discipline and commitment to work which will be vital if allowed to work with the company.


I am looking forward to the new challenge that the company offers. The opportunity to work at an administrative level will help the company and my growth personally and professionally. The administration is a job that requires one to be very organized, result-oriented and detailed in the handling of affairs, and I am qualified in that line. Given the opportunity, I promise to do my best to move the company to greater heights.

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Paper Example on Application for Administrator Job. (2023, Jul 12). Retrieved from

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