Esthetic in dentistry concerns the dentition appearance where it is achieved through the color and arrangement. Our interpretation and expression make esthetic unique, but it is greatly influenced by culture. Whatever seems beautiful to one person may appear to be ugly to another person. Recently a pleasing appearance has been a necessity. The face is amongst parts of the body which are significantly exposed where the mouth is a primary feature giving teeth the largest share. Esthetic dentistry should be done at an early stage. Since dentistry is a profession, one should attend to a patient and ensure the condition of the teeth is as he/she wants so that the patient can be motivated to come back for such services. Understanding the esthetic needs of the patient is a must for every practicing dentist. If a patient with a longstanding problem visits the dentist, the dentist must determine and know what delayed the visit of the particular patient to a dentist for treatment.
If the patient blames a dentist who had treated him/her some time ago, the dentist must enquire from the patient what he believes a given treatment can do before any treatment is administered to the patient. Implications of the therapy either physically or psychologically must be considered. The anxiety in the deformity of the teeth is greatly influenced by the affected patient's view and other people's reaction towards the deformity. Pain, emotions, and feeling characterize the first psychological effect. The outcome or the result of the treatment must motivate and be accepted by the patient. The main advantage of esthetic therapy is that it gives confidence to the patient and he takes and owns his appearance. This is seen when a person is smiling. Some people cover their mouth when they are laughing to hide their dental appearance, color and also arrangement to avoid embarrassment from their friends. Dental treatment ensures one is comfortable with his/her teeth. How people care their mouth reflects their experience in the past, current, and future. How people treat their teeth indicates how they feel about themselves
Paravina, R.D., Ghinea, R., Herrera, L.J., Bona, A.D., Igiel, C., Linninger, M., Sakai, M., Takahashi, H., Tashkandi, E. and Mar Perez, M.D., 2015. Color difference thresholds in dentistry. Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry, 27, pp.S1-S9.
Color is an essential esthetic perception where visual analysis is the primary method of evaluating the color difference. Acceptability threshold and perceptibility threshold are used in the assessment of color difference. These thresholds serve as a tool to assess the clinical performance, dental materials selection and interpretation of visual findings in dental research. In color research, visual threshold supplement analytical statistics. Perceiving a color difference has always been used in research in dentition field for explaining bleaching efficacy dental guides and any other color interaction area. The whiteness, dental shade matching, and translucency are defined by acceptability and perceptibility. Natural teeth are translucent and not opaque; hence any light which strikes on it is absorbed partially.
The unabsorbed light undergoes a scattering process before it emerges. The human color system compensates changes and can adapt to different laminations. Shade matching relates to the method used and the light intensity. The color difference is an interest in scientific interest. This phenomenon is used in the development of color notation systems, corresponding metrics the color science development. This is an essential factor in the understanding of the color vision. However, in industries, the color difference (supra-threshold) passes from P.T. to the higher color difference (AT) or acceptable color differences. The method of data processing is critical in the outcome considerations of the research. The usage of non-dental instruments such as colorimeters, spectrophotometers, imaging instruments, and spectra-radiometers are very advantageous compared with the measuring instruments which are specifically designed for all dental operations. The quality of the device and the method of color measuring are considered beneficial than their usual applications. This also applies to dental materials versus the natural teeth shade matching and even monochromatic objects versus polychromatic objects. There is no significant difference recorded between monochromatic specimens and shade tabs.
Dawood, A., Marti, B.M., Sauret-Jackson, V. and Darwood, A., 2015. 3D printing in dentistry. British dental journal, 219(11), p.521.
3D printing is a term used to describe how the manufacturing approach builds objects each layer at a time and forming an object by putting together several layers. 3D printing is used to produce drill guides for implants in dentistry, physical models production of orthopedic implants, prosthodontics, orthodontics and craniomaxillofacial. Rapid development in technology and the use of software has a significant impact on the changes that have already taken place in the field of 3D printing. The computer-aided design (CAD) facilitates 3D printing because it allows objects to be designed in a virtual environment.Medical Modelling is one of the most popular applications of 3D printing. This application technique has been made accessible by the use of CBCT which is an essential technology in dentistry. This type of technology provides volumetric data to the 3D printer when the surgery is about to be done where it displays the patient jaws in replications. This phenomenon has led to new approaches and procedures in surgical operations through the use of drilling guides using the 3D printing leading to positive and predictable surgery. This is achieved because accuracy is maintained to its highest level.
Crown coping is another application of 3D printing. With maximum utilization of optical scanners in the laboratory, it is possible and straightforward to prepare the dental arch and an implant position. The scanned data and the CAD can be used to print crown, bridge structures, and implant abutments. A dentist uses scanners to make a physical dental model of a jaw hence making use of 3D printing. The patient's data may be digitally archived and thus easing the storage procedures because it will be printed when needed. The advantages are that it is a relatively fast method with good accuracy and also low technology cost. When using this type of technology new infrastructures are required which is a disadvantage of this technology. Low quality resolution may also hinder its operation.
Heymann, H.O., Swift Jr, E.J. and Ritter, A.V., 2014. Sturdevant's Art & Science of Operative Dentistry-E-Book. Elsevier Health Sciences.
Human beings have permanent and primary dentitions. The stable consists of 16 maxillaries and 16 mandibular teeth while the first consist of ten maxillaries and ten mandibular teeth. Teeth are also divided into different classes based on their functions. They include the incisor, canine molars. Premolars are found in the permanent dentition. Its formation can predict the features of each type of teeth. Shearing or cutting is done by the incisors which are near the south entrance. They also play a significant role when one is delivering a speech because they support lips even when one is smiling. Piercing and tearing of food is done by the canine. They are found at the corner of the mouth. The crown is in the shape of a triangle with a sharp pointed end and a deep root.
The premolar is almost similar to canine and also similar to molars in terms of functionality. Molars are found at the far end of the mouth near the temporomandibular joint. Their function is to grind, crush and chew food. A premolar can tear or shear food and at the same time grind the food hence playing a dual role. Teeth structure is composed of cementum, enamel, and the pulp-dentin complex. The amnioblasts cells accomplish the enamel formation. They originate from a layer called ectoderm. The anatomic crown is covered by the enamel where thickness varies in different areas.
It usually is thicker near the incisors, and it becomes thinner towards the molars or the cement enamel junction. The class of the teeth also determines the level of thickness. Pulp and Dentin tissues formed from the papilla form the complex. This complex is a specialized and unique organ performing four functions which are reparative or defensive, nutritive function which supplies moisture and nutrients through the blood to the dentin, development or formative services by which odontoblasts produce secondary and primary dentin, and finally protective or sensory function which helps to mediate the pain through the provision of nerve fibers. Cementum is a layer covering the root of a tooth. It is yellowish and formed continuously because of the aging of the superficial layer.
Wright, G.Z. and Kupietzky, A. eds., 2014. Behavior management in dentistry for children. Wiley Blackwell.
Although the dental operation may be useful and perfect, the visit is a failure if a child leaves in tears. This criterion is used to evaluate and measure the level of success of a dentistry operation to a child. This is what behavior management is concerned with. It includes all methods applied to make sure that children accept the dental treatment and instill in them a positive attitude towards dental treatment. Behavior management aims to alleviate fear, perform quality and effective dental care, build friendship and trust between the child and the dentist and make the child positively view oral care.
The appearance of the dentist may influence the reaction of a child in an excellent way. For example, if the dentist is wearing his professional clothing, e.g., an apparel, fear may be induced in the child probably because he had met another person let's say a barber and he/she had a poor experience with him. Also wearing a mask when performing dental treatment may cause a lot of fear in the child. As a dentist it's advisable to dress in a formal way to avoid inducement of concern to the child which may result in a negative attitude towards dentistry treatments.
The welfare and health of a child must be the principal concern of the parent and the dentist. The functions of the dentist are to advise the parent about the benefits and the risk and correct any misleading information that the parent may have. In the other side, the parent should understand and process the data from the patient and then decide for the child. A dentist should listen to what the parent says about his/her child in terms of cooperation during dental operations. A parent can predict how the child is likely to behave if for example the child has been introduced to a dental chair and also the parent knows which methods are suitable for the dentist to open the child's mouth.
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