Organization as the Solution to Fatigue - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  587 Words
Date:  2022-11-29


Fatigue is a condition where an individual is feeling physically and mentally tired. Mental fatigue is different from physical fatigue but they mostly occur together. When a person suffers from long term physical fatigue, he starts experiencing mental fatigue also. Fatigue can also be described as a lack of energy in the body. Fatigue can be caused by issues concerning mental health, physical health and the lifestyle of a person. Lifestyle factors that cause factors may include; lack of physical exercise, being overweight, lack of nutritive diet, lack of sleep and so much more.

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Research shows that companies have come up with plans to manage the risks of fatigue. The airline companies have introduced Fatigue Risk Management Plans that help to reduce and control the effects to the crew members in the flight. The FRMPs helps to outline what causes fatigue and gives strategies to alert the crew members. FRMP was introduced to the airline companies and they are required by the Airlines Safety and Federal Aviation to implement and maintain it.

The work schedule of the Aviation crew is unpredictable there are different factors that affect the well being of a person. The unpredictable factors cause the person to work outside his or her normal working routine and this interrupts the sleep cycle of the person and this affects his or her circadian rhythm. When a person's circadian rhythm is affected, their performance in work is decreased and there are increased chances for them to cause errors at work. The circadian rhythm causes fatigue in a person and this contributes to human error and thus causing unlucky accidents in the work. Fatigue risk management plans provide procedures and policies to airline companies that help to minimize the risk of fatigue and to help pilots to operate safely and supervise their workers efficiently.

The structure of the Fatigue Risk Management Plan has managed by seniors who help in reducing fatigue and creating awareness of flight members, educating the crew about fatigue, writing reports, allocating appropriate time and duties to different flight workers, and creating awareness of fatigue. An effective management plan is required to be of great effort and this is put into action because FRMPs is a mandatory law.

In 2013 the Federal Aviation Administration discovered the Advisory Circular which provided more information on fatigue management. The advisory circular was more concerned about the Fatigue Risk Manage Systems which were similar to FRMPs but their application was based on developing a better plan to minimize fatigue factors through scientific research. Although implementation of FRMP was not a requirement in the organization, the Federal Aviation Administration emphasized the effects it will have on improving the safety and performance of their organization of commercial aviation. Other organizations that talk about how to apply fatigue management systems are; "International Civil Aviation Organization", "Airline Pilots Association", and "International Air Transport Association".

"International Civil Aviation Organization" states that implementation of FRMS is challenging because there are not enough resources, regulation and mature organizational to comprehend with the rules and regulations of FRMS. The airline company is negatively affected by this motion because it reversed the effect of safety culture in the organization. Matured System Management encouraged companies to develop a Fatigue Risk Management System. It encouraged companies to start by having a fatigue management plan and then as the company grows they expand the program. This plan helps to prevent fatigue. The management of each organization plays a role in making sure that their workers get enough sleep and operate safely.

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Organization as the Solution to Fatigue - Essay Sample. (2022, Nov 29). Retrieved from

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