Nursing Philosophical View: A Holistic Perspective on the 4 Meta Paradigms - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  587 Words
Date:  2023-08-22


The word philosophy originates from an ancient time meaning love of wisdom, Philo-sophia. Nursing as a profession uses philosophy when questioning nursing, practicing, or simply stopping to reflect on the whole practice. By thinking philosophically, nurses examine the applicable concepts in nursing and their real-life applicability. As expressed in this script, my philosophical views attempt to give a vivid description of the four meta paradigm concepts. First, I will discuss the holistic nature of nursing, then describe health from my point of view and lastly describe who a person is and the environment.

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Nursing, for me, is more than taking care of an ill person. It is mindful and feeling to help a person overcome both physical and emotional pain to the extreme of preventing death from occurring. Nursing is both an art as it entails a family and developmental care approach and science as its practice is guided by knowledge and nursing paradigms. The art of nursing is a calling and involves care for the whole being and showing compassion. The science of nursing is essentially the practice of theoretical concepts. Nursing care goes beyond only patient attendance but to the extremes of offering complex care.

My nursing philosophy suggests that nursing is mainly providing care. Caring for the patient, as a nurse, majorly lies on the approach and interaction. A family-centered care approach exemplifies the support I offer to the patient, thus help in the recovery process. The role of nursing involves many of the management processes towards a patient's well-being. In essence, their role reflects a person's manager or personal assistant. The right or wrong thing to do is underlying in any healthcare situation, and this is where ethics in nursing come in. As a critical care nurse, ethics guide us in cases call to preserve life and aggressive physiological measures.

Health, as the second meta paradigm, may be defined as the state of being ill or well. A nurse plays a vital role in the monitoring of a person's health to ascertain his or her participation in normal activities. All aspects of health link as a continuous process from sickness to wellness to fitness, having fair distinction on their extremities. Patients suffering from chronic diseases are not considered healthy from my perspective. Despite the slim chance of recovery, chronic patients deserve dignity and respect during the treatment regime. This value takes us to the third paradigm, which is persons.

A person is an individual with the capacity to reason and socially relate with other beings. Persons can be able to express their health status and gain appropriate nursing services. A nursed person gets expert help towards getting well, as a nurse, the family-centered care approach creates better relationships. This approach makes the person being nursed connects me to the patient and his family, thus facilitating holistic health care.

The environment is the surrounding of the patient that facilitate health and anything within the patient's vicinity. There are various distinctive components of the environment, like social, physical, and emotional surroundings. In the performance of my roles, nursing knowledge guides me toward a conducive environment when reacting to an emergency patient.

My nursing philosophy points out that nursing is an art that applies science holistically with the utmost care and dignity to the patient. It is based on the four meta paradigm concepts and describes personal nursing philosophy. All other and I, as a nurse, provide comfort and care to persons' health and ensure a conducive environment in illness and wellness.

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Nursing Philosophical View: A Holistic Perspective on the 4 Meta Paradigms - Essay Sample. (2023, Aug 22). Retrieved from

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