The aggregate number of the Muslim population is increasing in recent years in most of the European countries and the United States (Toft 97). This action causes an increment in conflicts that associate with cultural and political tensions. About this scenario, this discussion will determine the issue in detail and highlight the effects of these Muslims in Eastern democracies (Toft 97). The question that will guide our paper concerns how "pluralistic" is Western Liberal Democracy in the face of its Muslim minorities. Then finally, it will give a conclusion that will answer this question.
Islam and Western Democracies: Historical and Geopolitical Context
The increasing fabric about multicultural in the Western liberal democracies encouraged the growth of the availability of the Muslim minorities in the West. The rising number of Muslims in these Western countries give high levels of hatred and hostility when it comes to Islam and Muslims (Toft 98). The underrating of the three directive strategies of registering freedom, equity, and dignity ensures that there is ethnocultural continual, full, and equal inclusivity within the traditional culture. Therefore, it is evident to declare that the perseverance of the liberal democracy, legal rights, and multiculturalism that Western civilization that is determinant of the Western Islamophobia.
The crusades allegedly created by the developing Islam religion by the migrants into the United States was a fundamental factor concerning both economics and geopolitical setting in the current world. This improved is not only because of oil alone but also the impacts that came up from Israel (Toft 111). The United State's case is more in comparison to Europe since the U.S perceived the Muslim world persistently like the real superpower under Israel's protection/security. The conflicts that occurred in the previous five decades, making a specified history behind it has led into the diversion of the Muslims from taking the United States as a colleague. The fundamental question about Israel describes how Isalm relates to the West.
Cultural and Political Effects of Muslim Immigration
The Muslim beliefs so firm to an extend of carrying their cultural practices whenever they migrate. They commit to their practices at whatever cost and hence impacting the places they settle in the course of migration. The difference in their cultural practices possibly leads to conflicts with other people who practice Christianity life as their way of worshipping. The immigrants to Europe have occupied most of the Eastern countries. The impacts of their immigration are notable in the cultural and political change where the majority of the influences concern the cultural and political alteration that co-exist within these countries. According to the recent book of the Akbar Ahmed, Journey into Europe, the culmination of the Muslim migration for a couple of years shows a dramatic acceleration after the Syrian Civil War. The impacts of their settlement remained the subject for multiple years among many inclusive of Ahmed himself. According to this book written by Ahmed, states that Islam in Europe connects to his intellectual career in the way he sees potential harmony despite other people perceiving it as the source of conflicts. These attributions of Muslims towards conflicts that rose in Europe described the terrorism that led to the deaths of many people over the previous twenty years. The reaction of many democracies to the enormous Muslim migration from the Islamic globe could interfere with the continent's politics. Therefore the impacts of the Muslim immigrants categorized into two broad portions, namely cultural and political views concerning their effects.
The morals and ethics that define the culture of the continent are not easily retainable when people with other beliefs that represent their core values enter and establish the settlement. Their settlement with time could show that most of the Muslims started turning away from the adherence of the liberal values that outline Europe as a continent from 1945. Akbar Ahmed encouraged Muslim migration, but at the end of the process, he started doubting the existence of violence and conflicts in the future, of which it is the major challenge that Eastern democracies fear. The only hope remained to the leaders of the continent since the argument was that most of the diplomats had hope, compassion, and courage that leaders could use posses in guiding people when the moments become tough. It is possible to achieve this such faith in humanist when it comes to pluralist legacy available in the continent. The possibility of taking Muslim as a source of conflicts due to the failure of adhering to the cultural practices defining the peace in these countries is the worst challenge that promotes tensions among the leaders.
Challenges of Integration: Retaining Liberal Values
The distinction between the venues for Islam and Christianity was undoubted since Christianity and Judaism historically formed Germany. The settlement of more than 4.5 million Muslims and living with the residents showed that they had become part of t Germany (Toft 208). Hence, they had to fully exercise their culture and political structure that seems like a threat to most of the leaders. They started practising their cultural practices that lead to the belief that to be a good Muslim, and there must be adherence to the letter and the Islamic law spirits. This Islamic culture warmly included embracing of humanity in the attempt of reflecting divine love for all other people as a whole creation (Pascarelli 227). Among these Muslims, some modernists perceive the balancing of their faith in correspondence to the modernity. Here Islam was inevitably compatible with the Muslims that believed in modernity featuring in the democracy and transparency in accountability. Thus the literalists had to foresee a potential and direct threat from this category among the three broad overlapping categories of Islam.
The conflicts associated with the diverse culture of Islamic religion came as a result of conceptualizing individuals who migrated across the Middle East, North Africa, South Asia, and south-east Asia in the name of being Muslims but not the descendants of specified nationalities (Pascarelli 227). This tension was inevitable in this scenario since it is challenging to retain the predominant culture after allowing the settlement of Muslims from various places and having different cultural practices. It is challenging to contain the situation that reveals the tension, especially among the immigrants who were not religious due to imposing the tag "Muslims" like the appropriate identity/ticket used by most of the people originating from regions with the majority being Muslims in escape urgency.
Political Tensions and Terrorism
The Muslim immigrants also came up with political conflicts since they stated claiming the existing government for unbalanced governance. Furthermore, terrorism and the risk of polarization after settlement into the European countries as they got attached to the massive deaths of people. The rising of terrorism could undermine political moderation by going against the legal system laid by the government in power (Pascarelli 230). The conflict may be as a result of democracy, making way for more personalities to gain footholds. The future terrorist attacks leading to improved death toll infliction calls for attention by the media that contributes to political criticism that automatically undermines the governmental faith. The occurrence of such attacks leaving several deaths to bring tension to the sovereign power because it is the mandate of the government to safeguard its citizens.
The leaders will get tensed about the possibility of receiving criticism associated with the wrong leadership style. The case of blames from the citizens for the consistent terrorist attacks lead to a diversion of their trusts to the Muslim activists who sound more diplomatic, leading to riots. For instance, in both Europe and the United States, perceived small terrorist attacks as a massive threat (Pascarelli 233). This case happens in Europe, even if the attacks are roughly similar to the previous years. At the same time, in the United States, there are fewer deaths associated with Jihadist terrorists than ones anticipated in the past years. Therefore the political leaders are in action to make sure they fight this tension over political instability through the claims for rectification of the attacks by the terrorists.
The desire for actions due to the pressure from the persistent attacks by the terrorists could lead to overreaction. This effort by the government to react aggressively to the foreign policies embrace foolish interventions and unrequired crackdowns within the communities. It further involves rhetorical demonization that extends the polarization among the divided societies (Tocci 36). However, terrorism may be through corrupt individuals. They want to grab power through this justification that could have a more genuine understanding representation approach towards the response for the threat using a complex public technique. The ability of the ruling government to implement the proper channels for handling such undetermined risks leading to excessive tension among the political leaders in the attempt to maintaining everything in order as expected.
The government of the countries in this continent where Muslims have rampantly settled with others facking they're identified in the name of being Muslims are thriving to curb the mess of terrorists. For example, the United States and the European governments are thriving for making efforts to penetrate the right-wing terrorists, implementing strategies to capture the terrorists and allocate extra resources for rectifying this problem. Through this approach, the United States Congress finds it compelling to authorize the allocation of more resources to the stakeholders concerned for carrying out the activities aimed at solving this problem. They find it essential and inevitable to improve the social services to the Muslims that acted as promoters of terrorism. The situation takes higher levels of concern since the government needs to maintain a constant supply of social services and other vital amenities to the new areas with Muslim refugees. These resources allocated to camps for the refugees s a government burden because such resources could impact other development projects but not curbing problems that were not in the stipulated plan.
Numerous factors trigger to Jihadist terrorists among the western countries, and the converse is true when considering the terrorism attributes connecting to terrorism and its influences when it comes to political extremism. There tremendous alterations among "the West," with the united states experiencing a different case whereby it is uncomparable to Australia, Canada, and every other European country. European Muslims profoundly complain about being systematically structured or rather face discrimination. Some scholars have found a close connection linking the hostility that Muslims face and the preference latter of terrorism employees in a nation displaying the aggressive approaches that lead to extremism. According to the European terrorism analysis, the 2005b riots in Paris that included old brothers that are up to date fighters currently (Pascarelli 235). The Muslims Jihadist provide a European Muslim description that expounds on the discriminating against them and calculate the appropriate response.
Discrimination and Radicalization
The discrimination, the restrictive laws, and regulations for the citizens in most of the European countries involved the Muslims. Most of these countries, in some cases, prevent the children belonging to the migrants who stayed within the country after getting citizenship, encouragement for the integration that promotes the spread of Islam at the militant level. This case was worse in the united states, where most of the Muslims felt unwelcomed.
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