Media Richness Theory: Understanding Communication's Uncertainty & Equivocality - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  4
Wordcount:  977 Words
Date:  2023-03-20


Media richness theory's proponents lie in the effectiveness of the medium used (Ishii, 2019). The medium is referred to because it carries dearth and assets when delivering the information to its full. When two parties are in communication, the processing of information conveyed between them is dependent on uncertainty and equivocality reduction involved (Schultz, 2019). Uncertainty often manifests as anxiety due to inadequate information, while equivocality is ambiguity that emerges from diverse interpretations from simple information. Daft, Lengel, and Travelino (1987) say that the Media Richness Theory (MRT) functionality lies in equivocality reduction. Media that can reduce equivocality is rich, while those that cant are called lean media.

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MRT Application

From its proponents, MRT is applicable in running any organization since communication is key. MRT's functionality is dependent on the technological advancement that improves its efficiency (Ishii, Lyons, and Carr, 2019). The hastening digital age of information can maximize the use and or corrupt the efficiency of the MRT. Borrowing from the Critical theory of communication, the MRT can integrate well with the digital media and handle information processing well (Fuchs, 2016).

Digital era information processing is also dependent on the medium used, and the applications and relevance of the MRT are paramount (Ishii, 2019). Determining the richness of a medium lies in its ability to transmit multiple cues at a time. Modern era devices have managed to create an interface for a virtual face to face communication with the assistance of a camera. Video conferencing and mobile applications that support Face to face communication have increased the richness of the digital media in conveying both verbal and nonverbal cues.

Feedback is primordial in ensuring a healthy conversation keeps going. A medium that allows immediate feedback is considered effective and rich in minimizing equivocality as well as anxiety. The digital media provides a platform for immediate feedback, whether on a Face to face communication or not. However, some media are better than others, e.g., a video call is better than a voice call because it incorporates nonverbal cues. Both verbal and nonverbal cues feedback can only be useful for communication if they are conveyed as supported by digital media.

Media that employs language variety is advantageous since it can carry the language of communication in its natural form. Conveying information in its natural form allows for the continuation of a conversation and mutual understanding. This information can convey a wide array of concepts involved with the information at hand. Unlike the analog media that at times would use formal, coded, or translated the language to convey information, which would lose some of its meaning. Face to face communication is rich because it is always in its natural form and unadulterated from other formalities.

Lastly, MRT, in its application, the richness of a medium lies in conveying the personal nature during the communication. With time and advancement of technology, communication devices have managed to provide platforms to convey the feelings and emotions of both parties in communication. Besides, privacy has been accorded and making communication more personal. Many countries' laws have accorded policies to safeguard private conversation and non-violation of privacy acts.

In running organizations, MRT has been pivotal as a critical communication avenue and is highly getting incorporated. Nevertheless, we cannot disregard the advantage of Face to Face communication in reducing equivocality despite its viewing as less rich than actual Face to Face. Using the example of running a multinational employment agency that seeks to source labor from developing countries to developed countries, the MRT is very much useful in determining the type of media to be used. Interviews can be costly to assess laborer's skills and communication ability. Interviews will be costly, but video conferencing will cut the cost (Kodirov and Nematov, 2019). Video conferencing will convey all the verbal and nonverbal cues from parties, the interviewer and the interviewee on Face to face platform.

Further, aspects like immediate feedback, language variety, and personal nature will convey via a screen during the interview. Although it's a virtual meeting, the events are real-time. Digital media will reduce the equivocality by employing the best fit channel for an interview; an interview is very important in finding the right person for the job; therefore, first impression and communication skills during the interview will help a lot.


The theory, however, has its own merits and demerits. MRT has strengths in its flexibility in employing the best media for communication. This flexibility blends well when employing Face to face communication. When employing the theory, one can refer and use the virtual Face to Face, which has been deemed less rich than the actual Face to Face but has substantial cost reduction, which is a major advantage. MRT, however, does not fall short in disadvantages as well. Firstly the theory does not take into account the level of relationship between the communicating parties. A strong relationship between the two parties means even less rich media can convey the information well. Secondly, the type of media can influence a person's behavior and cues. Lastly, there is no clear cut guidance by the theory on the type of media to use depending on the urgency, privacy, and importance of the information. The richness is dependent on the judgment of the communicating parties. The theory may fail to be fully explanatory and may need to be complemented by other theories for efficiency.


Daft, R. L., Lengel, R. H., & Trevino, L. (1987). Message equivocality, media selection, and manager performance. MIS Quarterly, 11, 355-366. doi: 10.2307/248682.

Fuchs, C. (2016). Critical theory of communication. University of Westminster Press.

Ishii,K.(2019). WKU Communication Theories. Media Richness Theory.

Ishii, K., Lyons, M. M., & Carr, S. A. (2019). Revisiting media richness theory for today and future. Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies, 1(2), 124-131.

Kodirov, F. E., & Nematov, J. E. (2019). Basic Technology And Service Managementmultiservice Networks. (Pp. 214-217).

Schultz, S. (2019). Program Evaluation of a Rich Media Implementation Program.

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Media Richness Theory: Understanding Communication's Uncertainty & Equivocality - Essay Sample. (2023, Mar 20). Retrieved from

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