Meaning of Freedom From Justice Kennedy - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  528 Words
Date:  2023-05-19


Justice Kennedy managed to raise some social equality and freedom issues that have been found in the history of the USA. OBERGEFELL V. HODGES [2015] was a case on same-sex couples explored the relationship between Equal Protection Clause and Due Process clause in the USA and concluded their lacked equality and liberty in the same-sex couples (Foner, 2017). Some states had banned same-sex marriages while others legalized it. Kennedy used past cases to show that rights are not defined or limited to whoever made them before but other fundamental rights. Also, Kennedy argued that fathers are not asked the right to adopt a child in marriage, and therefore denying marriage rights in same-sex had insufficient justifications. Justice Kennedy showed them that freedom is the idea of granting liberty and equality. The states that accepted same-sex marriages were the areas where some couples went to seek freedom and have their marriage rights.

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President Obama Views on Freedom of Others and That of African-American

Barrack Obama's views are mainly based on various movements by people of the USA and the current situations. The civil rights movement has made a great impact on the history of the USA, but some gained freedom that was not collective. Obama mentioned many things that were the main challenges in the world, and they included race, marriages inequality, and gun control. For instance, the death of Clementa Pinckney was associated with the confederate flag in South Carolina. The same issues have been antecedents of issues experienced today. System of racial discrimination have also heightened conflicts and was associated with the beliefs of the confederate flag and white supremacy. President Obama believed that the freedom of some movements affects the freedom of other people.

Changes in American Life

There have been many changes in American life, which include granting freedom and other rights to civil movements and different ruling in court cases. All the scenarios have contributed to rights, freedom, and liberty to people of the USA. However, the documents show that there are other rights granted in the past that affects the world of today. For instance, there needs to be a collective understanding of rights to everyone irrespective of their ideologies, feelings, and intimacy. This has been the problem in past cases where same-sex couples have insufficient rights.

Globalization and Its Discontents

Views of Clinton on Free Trade

Bill Clinton was aware that nations would conduct businesses both locally and in a global context that needs to create free trade and create employment. Bill Clinton emphasized that the USA will prosper when the middle-class fortunes gain access to employment opportunities (Foner, 2017). The signing of NAFTA was necessary for creating one million jobs and increasing exports in five years.

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Document Reflection

The documents show that some people tend to be conservative and exhibits values in the cultural reservoir. There have been enormous changes in the history of the USA and other places that need to fir in current situations. Therefore, nations need changes that adapt the benefit of all and opposed to some.


Foner, E. (2017). Voices of Freedom: A Documentary History (Fifth Edition). W. W. Norton & Company

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Meaning of Freedom From Justice Kennedy - Essay Sample. (2023, May 19). Retrieved from

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