Major Roles of Settings in Worn Path and The Thing They Carried

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  628 Words
Date:  2022-02-21

Introduction: Exploring the Setting and Themes in "The Worn Path" and "The Thing They Carried"

The common short tales but well known "Worn Path" and "The Thing They Carried". Tim O'Brien who is the author of a short story known as "The Thing They Carried". The author based the event according to the war which was going on in Vietnam. It may seem so much fictional, but it clearly says author experiences and ordeals. The setting of the story is featured alongside the main character Jimmy Cross. It shows how the character mature from his naive in love affairs to the grown-up person who can make their own decision not just living on fairy tales that will never happen. "Worn Path" is one of the most know Welty's short story book. The story of the "Worn Path" is majorly concentrated on the motive which incorporates a lot of symbolic meanings. This story goes even beyond regionalism in legends and religion. These two stories have different setting conveying an almost the same message. However, the background of the characters' lives shapes their lifestyle, acting and the way they think. These two stories have different setting conveying an almost the same message. However, the background of the characters' lives shapes their lifestyle, acting and the way they think.

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One of the major functions of the setting brings out the character willpower, determination and develop an obstacle for them to always overcome. If one has both of these properties, they are motivated and decide to concentrate and with many other things without giving up easily. Words are defined as "making decisions, or setting or setting goals." (O'Brien, T. 2009). Willpower "is the power or will to decide, want or plan. Tim O'Brien's loses his friend Linda in fifth grade, but dreamed of his dream was a story that helped him to lose his life. At the end of the book, he said," I move fast, rusty under the blade" (O'Brien, T. 2009), do the loop and spin, go into the dark When I jump, I hide the surface of my history. Thirty years later, I realized Tim tried to talk about Timmy's life story. In Vietnam, Tim O'Brien lost countless friends and witnessed an event that was too patient and unbearable. "To survive, he regained his smooth and growing nature" (O'Brien, T. 2009), and he wrote this book. In it, he constantly observes things that cannot be changed to a presenter and an action figure.

The Role of Setting in "The Worn Path": Symbolism and the Character's Journey

In addition to influencing character thoughts and behavior, the setting has also influenced the character's actions and thoughts through increase the patience and strength of an individual is one of the functions of the setting in the story "A Worn Path". This is exhibited by how the "Christmas setting which is characterized by love and sacrifice" (Welty, 1991) influences old Phoenix to do the unexpected for her grandson. She embarks on a long journey full of challenges in order to "find medicine for her grandson" (Welty, 1991). Some of the challenges that old Phoenix faces in her journey include the length of the journey which she has to take from the woods of Mississippi to the town of Natchez despite her old age.


In closing, the settings of these two stories authors create these setting in order to exhibit important aspects of the stories. In "A Worn Path", the author illustrates the aspect of love and also sacrifice for the loved ones which are always present in the (Welty, 1991) Christmas eve which is exhibited by the character Phoenix Jackson. On the setting of willpower, both characters demonstrate there will fight all the obstacle. In the book "The Thing They Carried" Tim O'Brien demonstrate setting showcasing (O'Brien, T. 2009) the struggle of maturing up in the loving context.


O'Brien, T. (2009). The things they carried. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.

Welty, E., & Sarcone, E. (1991). A worn path. Creative Education.

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Major Roles of Settings in Worn Path and The Thing They Carried. (2022, Feb 21). Retrieved from

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