Magical Princess in the Flower Fields of Freeland - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  516 Words
Date:  2023-08-21


Down the narrow path lay the colourful flower fields in the city of Freeland. The flower field opened up by two ended road opening up the fields to Windbroke and Freeland. Along the shore of Freeland rose a refreshing breeze with the lilies blooming around the shores. Around the city of Freeland rose four impenetrable steel-reinforced walls and four glass-covered towers; from which the sweet melodious voice cheerful echoed from. The tower was the home of the Princess of Magic. The sweet-voiced beauty that was never known. Hidden in the beliefs of the community. The superstition of bad omen to the Kingdom from shaking hands, cracking jokes and leading life free from supervision. The only source of company is the music instruments, from which she channelled her energy, loneliness and boredom from the solitary life. Down her face ran a glitter, she was beautiful. From her attractive lips came soothing words of kindness, with the beauty in her eyes, she tried to see the good in people. Her slim body perfectly fitted in a long silk dress. Indeed she was beautiful, not just what is seen but also in what she was. It was her day to get out.

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The entrapment to a commoner couldn't be hidden as she stumbled on Silkwood. The neatly groomed, tall masculine gentleman in the King’s army. The Princess couldn't hide the delight for the meeting. She saw the beginning of a big thing, a new life filled with lover and self-fulfilment. It was her day to meet Prince Kumal, but she couldn't stop fantasizing about Silkwood. This was a new life for her. New dilemma of marrying the prince or rebelling for. New lies of on trying to hide spark from meeting Silkwood, and the contradicting excitement of making out of the tower.

Regardless of her limited knowledge on the beauty of the lilies, and the shores of Freeland, the Princess seemed well acclimatized to the environment. The beautiful blue sky, the bright sky shone upon the function. The excitement from meeting Silkwood seemed just part of the many things never experienced by the Princess. The charming loving and low-voiced Prince Kumal stole it back. At the entrance door; “Click”, it opened. There he came. Silkwood’s dominance was washed out at the appearance of Prince Kumal’s appearance. The destined love story of the unmet lovers. The uncertainty in their dreaded waits, the untold truths about each and the long wait for the love of the heart was unfolding between the two lovers. All frozen-on setting sight on each other. Tears rolled down their chicks with disbelief of dream coming true. As they walked towards each other, rose the aahs and oohs from the on-lookers. The fear in the legs turned into an energy-filled their legs into excitement as they ran towards each. They couldn’t wait any longer. Down the hall, they held hands in a sweet encounter. Different type of sweetness. Sweet like a juicy watermelon blended with sweat and tears from their determination to make the memorable meeting.

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Magical Princess in the Flower Fields of Freeland - Essay Sample. (2023, Aug 21). Retrieved from

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