Leadership has become an important element in the modern day world hence there are various attempts to borrow leadership skills from the previous generations, especially of religious personalities which have resulted into an increase in leadership books, seminars, monograms and articles (Howell, 2003). This study is an attempt to evaluate Christian leadership mechanisms based on the biblical teachings and apply the concepts, principles and qualities in developing my own leadership. Howell, (2003) analyzes the leadership styles of King David through the evaluation of his character, values, strengths and weaknesses. This is because to develop a good leadership one has to learn and apply what he or she has leant (Bell, 2010). This article will evaluate various qualities that King David had such as being the Man after God's Heart, his skills and abilities such as singing to provide solutions, bravery, his ability to overcome undeserved hostility, patients in his leadership, David's ability to solve problems, using centralization and consolidation of power among others of which I need to incorporate in my leadership. Also, the article will demonstrate various weaknesses and failures of King David and how I can use them to ensure I develop a better leadership mechanism by avoiding them such as adultery, favouritism and family neglect. In the global context, a servant leader has to have qualities which were seen in David's leadership such as being able to listen to others, unleashing energy and intelligence of others, developing the people he leads among other (Finley, 2012).
King David’s Strengths and How They Help Shape My Leadership
Seeking Goods Guidance
A leader should always seek guidance from God as well as advice from his or her seniors (Keith, 2018). The leadership of David was blessed by God as he was chosen to lead his people as he regularly sought his guidance. Samuel pronounced that Saul's rule was a failure and made a prediction that a new ruler (David) would rise and would be 'a man after his own heart' as stated in the book of 1 Sam 13:14. This verse hints that David is a better leader than Saul since he shares the heart of God hence people obey him. The fact that Samuel was directed by God to crown him the king shows that his leadership and reign was blessed by God hence his numerous victories (Howell, 2003). From this, I learn that leadership is divine and being a leader I have been chosen by God to lead his people hence I should obey him and seek guidance from him on all matters regarding my leadership.
Being Able to Use Abilities And Talent
From the story of David I have learnt that a leader should use his or her abilities and talent to strengthen the leadership style (Finley, 2012). David was able to use regular activities such as singing to maintain a very vibrant hope even in disheartening circumstances. He was a spirit-inspired musician. After Saul lost his connection with God he became haunted by the evil spirit and David was able to show his leadership skills by soothing his spirit through music. His leadership abilities such as being a brave warrior, eloquent, fine looking (personal organization) and having God's favour made him one of the best kings Israelites had ever seen. Through his skills, David was able to serve his king (servant leadership). His divine music soothed the spirit of Saul and drove the evil spirit out of him. David's skills such as bravery and his musical gifts are what propelled him to greatness as they ended up making Saul dependent on him for political security as well as emotional stability. David was able to compose many songs as seen in the book of Psalms during the desperate years of exile (Howell, 2003). These songs were mostly pleas asking God for help as well as praises for God's deliverance. He knew that the most important treasure that God had given the people of Israel was the worship of the lord which would be rewarded. From this trait, I have learnt that to become an effective global leader I need to find my talents and abilities so that God can bless me through them as he blessed David through music.
Bravery And Courage
A global leader should be able to take a stand on what he or she believes in even if the times are tough (Keith, 2018). The book of Sam 17:1-58 details the anointment of King David attested that he was chosen by God and not man. Therefore God had given him victory during his military confrontation with Goliath, a Philistine giant who was the descendant of the gargantuan sons of Anak who had defied Israelis troops. David being a brave leader agreed to face Goliath since the spirit of the Lord was upon him hence he was assured of a victory. The only tool that David depended on was faith in God which inspired and motivated his bold actions as he was young and had no experiences in the war. However, David was a true loyal leader as he was motivated by the desire to preserve Israel's honour and the need to keep the Israelites' covenant with the Lord. David appeals to the experiences the had as a shepherd which mostly involved courage and confidence in God's protection. David's courage is portrayed by his act of facing Goliath with only a sling and stones which are the only weapons he could handle while his opponent had armoured clothes and sophisticated weapons (Rogland, 2006). David was brave enough and ready to defend his God as he replies nobly to the insults of the Philistine as he says that the Almighty will surely give him victory. David has leadership qualities that show contrast to those of the Philistines in terms of belief, actions and attitudes. These qualities are under the biblical polemics of God that he supports and helps the humble weak and humiliates the strong and the vindication of human faith is central to this encounter. David's leadership is characterized with numerous victories, one of them being this encounter with Goliath that saw him get an early win since the Lord was on his side and his success institutes terror in the enemy's camp as it is evident that David was being influenced by a higher power. Therefore, I need to be brave in dealing with difficult problems in my leadership since God will help me overcome such difficulties as he was able to help King David.
Able To Overcome Undeserved Hostility
Global leaders face hostility from the employees, customers and other stakeholders hence one should develop mechanisms to cope with these hostilities. Throughout his leadership period, David encountered a number of undeserved hostilities as people were not pleased with his numerous and extraordinary achievements due to the help of his God hence these people were jealous (Rogland, 2006). For example, the victory of David against Goliath made him a prominent member of the royal court. Saul became fearful of him as David was uplifted for his superiority in battle. His abilities captivated the imagination of the whole Nation and the people started to imagine him as their leader due to his skills and abilities which made Saul feel threatened hence he decided to kill him. I have come to understand not all people will like me as a leader and therefore I should be able to seek God's guidance on how to overcome my enemies so that I can be the kind of leader that he wants.
I have learnt that as a global leader I have to exercise patience in my leadership in situations such as when seeking for a promotion. David patiently waited for God's timing so that he could lead his people. Therefore, David attempted to escape Saul by moving to different places however still being a loyal warrior of the Israelites. David kept on seeking God's guidance from priests for all his actions and movements. However, his position in Israel was precarious as seen at Horesh and Keilah where the inhabitants were willing to win political favour by surrendering him to Saul. This made him to occasionally seek political asylum in Philistine (Howell, 2003). The act of David to return the spear to Saul showed a sign of authority. When he returned the spear he showed that he was willing to wait for God's timing so that he could ascend to the throne. Leadership is given by God, therefore, I have learnt that I should not struggle to lead until I get a calling from God. I should remain faithful to God and wait for his chosen time to make me a great leader while practising loyalty to him.
Ability To Solve Problems (Creativity And Innovation)
As a global leader, I need to be creative and innovative to be able to solve problems (Finley, 2012). Throughout his leadership, David is portrayed as an able leader who provided solutions to challenging situations. Therefore, a leader who has a religious background, I need to ask God to help me come up with the best solutions to all the problems that I face. Some instances where David portrayed his leadership skill in solving problems include the battle where he killed Goliath. The Israelites had a problem (enemy) and David was able to eradicate it by killing Goliath and giving his people victory (Howell, 2003). As a leader, I need to have a vision like David that focuses on my future successes rather than the failures and mistakes of my past. I need to develop initiatives for peaceful problem solution methods to be a successful global leader.
Ability To Draw Inner Strength In Dark Days
A global leader faces challenges each and every day, therefore, one needs to use these encounters to strengthen his or her leadership (Bell, 2010). David had the ability to use the problems that he faced to his advantage. As noted earlier, David had to move from place to place so that he could avoid being captured by Saul. He encountered King Achish of Gath who he had feigned insanity earlier. Achish provides refuge to David since he is also Saul's enemy. Having a roof over his head and protection, David had gotten freedom from constant surveillance hence he could launch attacks on the Canaanite people. He was able to win the confidence of Achish since he protected the southern boundaries of Philistia. He was also able to eliminate some of the threats to the Israelites like the Amalekites. David acquired knowledge of the landscape of Palestine as well as their military manoeuvres which he would use to attack as the future King of Israel's forces (Howell, 2003). I believe that each and every leader has dark days. We should use these dark days to determine our strengths and use the experiences to strengthen our bond with God to become better world leaders,
No Justification In Failure
As a global leader I have come to understand that sometimes one will be successful and other times one will fail, therefore, one should not try to justify failure but use that experience to find a better solution. David had numerous magnificent victories such as the victory over Goliath and the surrounding nations such as the Philistines. Despite all these, he had a couple of serious moral failures. For instance, he had planned and executed his adultery with Bathsheba and killing of Uriah and from the book of Samuel we see a leader who is conscience-stricken and from deep down his heart confesses his sins (Howell, 2003). No justification, explanation or evasion accompanies David's repentance, but only a plea for mercy. David's repentance has made me realize that I don't need to give God excuses or justifications for my wrongdoings, but genuinely ask him for forgiveness as David did and was forgiven.
Righteousness And Fear
A Christian global leader has to be righteous and fear the lord so that the leadership can be blessed. Roland, (2006); Howell, (2003) agree that in David's last graceful testimony he affirms the theocratic principles for the kingship as well as the fulfilment of an everlasting covenant. They claim that David's song has the status of a prophetic oracle that was inspired by the Ho...
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