Jimmy Valentine Saves the Day: A Story of Bravery and Love - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  612 Words
Date:  2023-08-10


In a minute Jimmy was at work on the door. In ten minutes- faster than he had ever done it before- he had the door open. As soon as the doors of the big vault swung open, Agatha came rushing out, crying wildly. She ran straight into her mother’s outstretched arms. Mother and daughter hugged each other tightly, both in tears. Next Agatha’s mother hugged Jimmy tightly. She did not say a word.

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Jimmy Valentine picked up the flower, put on his coat, and walked toward the front door. As he walked away, he heard two voices call, “Ralph!” “Jimmy!” He stopped for a second, looked back as he realized that Ben Price and Annabel had both called him at the same time. He quickly went down the stairs. In his mind he knew that Price did not have enough to arrest him. However, he also realized that he would have to explain everything to Annabel and she would still probably break off their relationship. As he continued walking, he thought that perhaps an arrest would save him because he would think of what to tell Annabel during lockup.

However, while his mind was racing, Annabel and Price were also racing to catch up with him. They soon did. “Who are you?” asked Annabel. “What just happened back there?” she continued to ask. “And who is Jimmy?” Jimmy did not know what to say so he tried to feign being calm. He knew that soon Price would expose him and a part of him wanted him to. As a matter of fact, Jimmy really wanted Price to expose him. The thought of it gave him peace.

“Annabel, the man you know as Ralph is a criminal. His name is Jimmy Valentine. I have come to this town in pursuit of him.” Ben Price continued to elaborate to Annabel how he had followed a trail of finely executed burglaries that had gone cold a while back. He explained that he had come to Elmore to try to catch Jimmy in the act. He also explained that either Jimmy was taking a break from the job or he had been more discreet than usual because he had not yet slipped.

Still rooted to the spot, Annabel’s face went from red to white at the mention that perhaps Jimmy had not burgled for a while. Of course she was mad that she was not aware of his past but she wanted to believe that Ralph was a changed man. She could not be wrong. She was about to marry the man. However, while she still felt that deep inside of her, she still loved him, she knew that she could never trust him. She muttered “how can I trust a man that I do not know?”

At last Jimmy Valentine talked. "Pace, I gave up that kind of life. That is why the trail went cold as you have stated. Actually I have not picked up a tool since I came back from prison. From where I am standing, I paid back my dues to society." As he looked straight into Pace’s face he asked him “Is there anything related to shoes that I can help you with?” Pace shook his head and took a step back. Looking at Annabel he explained “Annabel, my love, I am a different man and a victim of my past. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Jimmy died a long time ago. Only Ralph lives” She nodded.

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Jimmy Valentine Saves the Day: A Story of Bravery and Love - Essay Sample. (2023, Aug 10). Retrieved from https://proessays.net/essays/jimmy-valentine-saves-the-day-a-story-of-bravery-and-love-essay-sample

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