Jane Krakowski as Jacqueline White in Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt Essay

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  685 Words
Date:  2022-10-19

Jane Krakowski plays the character Jacqueline White in the ABC come Netflix series Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt that premiered in 2015. Jacqueline White is a wealthy but insecure socialite who is married to a wealthy husband for his money. Jacqueline hires the main character of the sitcom Kimmy Schmidt as a nanny. Jacqueline comes out as arrogant, condescending and out of touch with the realities of living a life without abundance of wealth. Nonetheless, she comes to like Kimmy for her simple personality and even becomes reliant on her not merely as an employee but also as her best friend. It is Kimmy who helps Jacqueline gain perspective regarding her unhappy marriage and also helps her get in touch with her native-American heritage. Apparently, Jacqueline is secretly of Lakota Native-American descent and passes for a white woman. It is Kimmy that becomes her inspiration to get in touch or reconnect with her native culture as well as appreciate her parents for raising her as an Indian girl as opposed to her resistance of identifying as a Native-American (Reed).

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Jacqueline's renaissance with her Native-American culture comes to light on the 13th episode of Season 1 dubbed 'Kimmy Makes Waffles.' The plot of the episode begins with Kimmy trapped in Indiana where she was previously rescued as a captive of a cult leader reverent. The circumstances that led her back was to source evidence that would help in prosecuting the cult leader. Jacqueline instinctively realizes that Kimmy is in trouble and sets out to save her. However, neither Jacqueline nor Lilian (Kimmy's landlady) can drive the car. It is up to Jacqueline to take charge of the situation as she reconnects with her Indian heritage that helps them navigate to Indiana in a mission to save the day. Meanwhile, Kimmy and the trapped women escape by their own effort. Nonetheless, Jacqueline remains resolute motivated by the experience and decides to go back to her homeland in South Dakota where her parents are. There, she is at peace since she has come to the acceptance of her roots as a Native-American woman.

Based on the plot just explained above, the character of Jacqueline White can best be explained by the theory of Psychodynamics by Sigmund Freud (Ribeiro, Ribeiro and Doellinger 106). The theory proposes two states of mind the subconscious and conscious minds. Three aspects control these states of mind that are namely the Id, superego, and ego. The superego is said to be the moral aspect of thinking with perceptions and norms that are shaped by societal expectations as well as discipline imparted through parenting. The Id, on the other hand, is the opposite of the superego and comprises evil thoughts and shameful desires that exist within the self and are in direct conflict with morals and ethics set prescribed by the superego. Ultimately, the ego provides a balance between the superego and the id as it negotiates a truce between the two (Ribeiro, Ribeiro and Doellinger 108).

The psychodynamic theory plays out perfectly in Jacqueline White's character as her surprised childhood shame of being associated with her Native-American roots can be said to be controlled by her id part of her sub-consciousness. Her superego can, in the same right, be deemed as that part of her conscious mind with the recollection of her true roots as a Native-American girl. The whole essence of psychodynamic theory manifests when Jacqueline finally engages her ego to negotiate between the id and the superego.


In conclusion, it is her ego that provides the rational choice that eventually makes her decide to visit her home in South Dakota and become one with her roots embracing her true-self even preferring her birth given name Voorhees; nee Jackie Lynn White as opposed to Jacqueline White. She therefore overcomes her rejection of her identity by embracing her nativity as depicted through Sigmund Freud's Psychodynamic theory.

Works Cited

Reed, Kayla. "Jane Krakowski joining Tina Fey's new NBC sitcom." AV News 5 12 2014. Web. 10 12 2018. <https://news.avclub.com/jane-krakowski-joining-tina-feys-new-nbc-sitcom-1798268503>.

Ribeiro, A ngela, Joao P Ribeiro and Orlando von Doellinger. "Depression and psychodynamic psychotherapy." Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry 40.1 (2018): 105-109. Web. 10 12 2018.

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Jane Krakowski as Jacqueline White in Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt Essay. (2022, Oct 19). Retrieved from https://proessays.net/essays/jane-krakowski-as-jacqueline-white-in-unbreakable-kimmy-schmidt-essay

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