Technology is everywhere, and it is part of our daily lives. Therefore, it affects the way people live, how they work, how they interact with one another and how they learn.
With a tone of wireless devices like mobile phones and tablets, technology has become an increased requirement in almost every industry if not all. Schools are also using technology in the classroom to make learning more accessible and to engage the students. In the last part of the assignment, I discussed three techniques that can be integrated into the classroom including smartboards, google maps and YouTube. I also explained how they promote instructional strategies and ease understanding of workplace safety. In this part of the assignment, I will develop an instruction manual on workplace safety unit and the technologies. This manual will contain things such as the necessarily required programs, the equipment needed for the instruction to be active and the necessary instructional materials among others.
Overview of instruction and technology product plan
An instructor's manual is a technical guide with the goal of providing information and instructions on how to use a particular system, product or service. Instructor's manuals are mainly related to computer software or hardware and sometimes electronic goods (Lapp, Flood, Fisher & Brock, 2013).
Therefore, in this case, the reason for creating an instructor's manual will be to provide information on how to use the three technologies I proposed in the first assignment to aid workplace safety. My instructional goals will be to guide potential users through the process of installation and how to handle the technologies. The manual will contain written content accompanied by images for clarity. It will provide instructions on how to use the techniques and an explanation on how to follow these guidelines effectively. I will include information about the features of each technology with a particular emphasis on the elements that will be used regularly. This information will consist of a step by step description of every level to take when dealing with the features of these technologies. This information will make it possible for the students to use the techniques with ease to attain their goals for this unit.
Although the technology is mostly aimed at helping the students understand workplace safety, the intended audience for the manual will include teachers, health and safety representatives of the school, parents and all other stakeholders in the school because all of them are involved in helping the student understand the concept of workplace safety. The instruction manual will not be too long but neither will it be too short (Gagne, 1988). It will be designed to cover all areas of concern related to the technologies without leaving anything out and without using too many baseless words. To avoid wordiness, I intend to divide the manual into relevant paragraphs that will possess four elements namely: the main idea, a concise explanation of the primary purpose, examples to illustrate the concept and finally a completion that emphasizes on the fundamental approach in the paragraph. This way, the audience will not be confused, and they are not likely to los concentration.
The delivery approach will mostly be face to face presentations in the classroom for the students. All the students must be present in all the lessons to ensure nobody is left out because the delivery will only be done once. However, as the instructor, I will always be present for the entire unit because the students will be using the technologies every step of the way. Although students will not be restricted to use other forms of technologies like websites and mobile phones to do their homework on their own, they will be required to complete all the activities of the instructional course, which is workplace safety, from the classroom under supervision by their instructor. For instance, students will be supervised during their group discussions and activities when they are using the technologies to construct new ideas, mindsets, and habits about workplace safety. Consequently, I intend to group the students in groups of five for about seventy percent of the entire unit and allow them to function independently for the remaining thirty percent of the time. This way, I will be able to demonstrate all the contents of my instruction, and the students will be in a position to efficiently practice using the real-time material for the entire unit.
My instructional sequence will be guided by the Khalil & Elkhider (2016) model that is based on nine instructional events. The instructional events mentioned in this model focus on the introduction of information and processing, evoke and respond to performance and assessment. Following such a distinct sequence will enhance the learning process of the students. I will use several strategies to present new content, ideas, and skills that will help the students improve their attitudes and practices in the past. I will begin with pre-instruction questionnaires to know whether the students had any previous knowledge about workplace safety as well as the new technologies, and if they do, the polls will help me understand their attitudes towards them and habits that demonstrate skills and knowledge on the topic. I will also use examples and demonstrations to enhance understanding.
Consequently, I plan on introducing group discussions to aid knowledge through idea sharing. I will use personal assessments to measure individual understanding of the workplace safety and effective use of the technologies. Besides, I will devise ways to get feedback from the students including open participation and engagement to improve the students' learning habits. Finally, I will develop a reflective activity that will help the students review their progress and transfer the new skills and knowledge to new situations in the future.
The materials needed for the instruction on workplace safety and technology product will be a computer or iPad that will enable the students to access the internet to look up information about workplace safety on YouTube. A smartboard will also be needed to handle record keeping activities, improve student engagement and enhance their interest in classroom activities. It will also aid the instruction by easing demonstration of complex ideas. Google forms are also needed to help students create surveys aimed at meeting their course objectives. They will also make it easier for me to prepare the pre-instruction questionnaire that I mentioned earlier.
Description of Each Lesson in the Plan of Instruction
Lesson 1
The first lesson will involve defining what workplace safety is and making use of the three technologies to enhance research. The students will require either a computer or an iPad to be able to access the internet, they will be provided with google forms to create questions for regarding workplace safety, and one smartboard will be required for more natural presentations. In the first ten minutes, I will engage the class in pre-instructional activities which include filling in a questionnaire to determine how well the students know the technologies and the meaning of workplace safety. In the next few minutes, the students will conduct quick online research on different definitions of workplace safety, and after ten more minutes, the students will present their findings on the smartboard. I will engage every student by asking random questions, and each of them will do a quick presentation of their results. I will then ask application questions related to workplace safety to assess the learning process before assigning them with follow-through activities to be completed using google forms.
Lesson 2
Lesson 2 will be about workplace safety rules. I will begin will a lesson overview by asking students whether they have ever been hurt at work or whether they have ever witnessed it happen to someone else. I will have students discussing their experiences before letting them watch workplace rules guidelines on YouTube. After watching the video, I will ask to pass out a quiz about workplace rules to gauge their understanding. Students will then present their answers on the smartboard for the entire class to discuss and decide whether the answers are right or not. Finally, I will conduct a follow-up activity through google forms to help students understand and follow workplace rules in the future.
Lesson 3
Lesson three will tackle safety hazards such as spilled substances, working equipment like ladders, nature of the work and human risks. I will begin by testing the students' understanding of what workplace hazards are and how they can be controlled. Secondly, I will let them use their computers and iPad to research on the internet by watching YouTube videos illustrating the same. Afterward, I will engage every learner through a presentation of their findings on the smartboard. And finally, I will assess the class to gauge their understanding using a random assessment test.
Lesson 4
Lesson 4 will cover workplace safety gear. The materials used in this lesson include safety gear pictures to enhance understanding, smartboard activity, worksheet, and a pencil. I will distribute copies of sheets with images of different types of safety gear and then ask the students to analyze it and know whether they have ever seen any safety gear. I will then ask them to watch online videos to learn how and when they are used. The next few minutes of this lesson will be spent discussing and presenting their findings on the smartboard. After this, I will ask them random questions relating to the topic to gauge their understanding. Finally, I will devise a follow-through activity to help them use safety gears effectively in the future.
Lesson 5
The fifth lesson will be about workplace safety hazards in an office setting. I will explain what a job hazard is, and have the class quickly brainstorm a list of dangers in workplaces with which they are familiar. I will then give each student a worksheet and ask them to circle safety hazards found within a picture. After each student is done with the spreadsheet, the class will discuss why specific items are a safety hazard.
Given that the spreadsheets have pictures of workplace safety hazards, students will identify common safety hazards in an office setting by circling 5 out of 5 pictured safety hazards. I will explain what a safety hazard is and give an example. Students will name safety hazards they are familiar with while I write their answers on the Smartboard. I will then pass out a worksheet to each student and have them find safety hazards within a picture. The class will then discuss why each item in the film is a safety hazard. I will roleplay with students and have them demonstrate and identify specific safety hazard scenarios.
Lesson 6
Lesson six will be about workplace Safety Hazards on a Kitchen Setting. I will begin by explaining what a kitchen hazard is, and have the class quickly brainstorm a list of dangers in workplaces with which they are familiar. I will then distribute worksheets with pictures of workplace safety hazards, and students will identify common safety hazards in a kitchen set by circling them. Through online research, students will be introduced to common safety signs. Finally, I will role play with the students and have them demonstrate and identify specific safety hazard scenarios.
Lesson 7
Lesson seven will be about safety Signs. The materials needed for this lesson include pictures of a safety sign, a smartboard, worksheets, pencil, and safety sign Bingo. Students identify 8 out of 10 safety signs by matching the image to the word on the sheet I will distribute containing different views. They will then watch online videos of various saf...
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Instructors Manual On Workplace Safety. (2022, Aug 17). Retrieved from
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