Imperial Sugar Refinery Explosion Essay Example

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  461 Words
Date:  2022-11-04

This essay reviews the tragic event that occurred at the Imperial Sugar Refinery in February 2008 (Landers, 2018). The explosion at the refinery resulted in the deaths of 14 employees and critically injuring 36 others (Landers, 2018). Imperial Sugar Refinery converted raw sugar into granulated sugar and other specialty products such as brown sugar and powder sugar. Investigations of the explosion concluded that the explosion was caused by a build-up of sugar dust created during the processing and packaging (Landers, 2018). The U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board concluded that the explosion was preventable and that the company failed to take necessary measures to prevent the disaster. This investigation prompted heavy fines against the company by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) (Landers, 2018).

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The explosion at Imperial Sugar Refinery can be supported by the multiple causation theory of an accident which is a combination of various contributory factors. These factors may be behavioral such as the worker's physical and mental conditions, skills and attitude of the work environment. Environmental factors of the multiple causation theory include factors affecting the working environment such as machinery, safety, and precautionary measures and the existence of hazardous conditions. The management of the company is to blame for the explosion because the company lacked the necessary dust management programs to control spilled sugar and sugar dust (Landers, 2018). The hammer mills found at the company also contributed to the accumulation of sugar dust. The dust collection system was inadequate to sustain the sugar dust, and it needed maintenance. The company did not conduct employee safety training, and there were no policies such as evacuation procedures in case of an emergency (Landers, 2018). Investigations also suggested that the company was aware of the sugar dust explosion hazards but failed to take appropriate measures to create a healthy workplace (Burton, 2008). The company should have conducted pre-accident investigations and adopt necessary measures in case of accidents (Conklin, 2012).


In conclusion, to avoid accidents, there is a need to create a healthy workplace by identifying environmental hazards, training employees on workplace safety and putting evacuation policies in case of an emergency. The management of any company should conduct due diligence and adhere to the legislation related to personal health safety practices. Companies should also conduct pre-accident investigations and take the necessary measures in case of accidents.


Burton, J. (2008). The business case for a healthy workplace. Industrial Accident Prevention Association, Ontario. Retrieved from;

Conklin, T. (2012). Pre-accident investigations: An introduction to organizational safety. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd..Retrieved from;

Landers, M. (2018). Imperial Sugar tragedy: Repercussions continue 10 years later. Savannahnow. Retrieved from

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Imperial Sugar Refinery Explosion Essay Example. (2022, Nov 04). Retrieved from

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