High Resolution Images: Exploring the Pixel Power - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  482 Words
Date:  2023-04-04


The resolution of an image describes the number of pixels displayed per inch. High-resolution images mean a high number of pixels per inch and vice versa. Thus, images with a high resolution tend to have more pixel information, which results in a crisp and high-quality image. More so, images result from the building up of pixels. Thus, higher resolution images have more pixels hence more information content as opposed to lower resolution images.

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How the Same Image Can Have More or Less Informational Content for Different Viewers Using the Treatment in Dialogue Three

Notably, an image results from the reflection processes of light. Regular reflection often occurs when light reflects through a smooth surface forming a clear picture. The other form of reflection known as diffuse occurs when light reflects through a rough surface. Mainly, this leads to the formation of a blurry image. In other cases, diffuse reflection hardly produces an image. When an image reflects, people tend to have various viewpoints. Low-resolution reflection makes the image to appear to have less content as opposed to higher resolution reflection.

Conditional Probability

Conditional probability describes the possibility of an event occurring in relation to another (Jamalizadeh and Narayanaswamy 314). One of the examples to show conditional probability is that exercise makes people slim. However, being thin does not necessarily imply that people always exercise. If the first event (A) is that exercise makes people slim, and event B is that being slim does not mean people work-out, one can denote the difference between Pr(A|B) and Pr (B|A). Pr(A|B) means that probability A is likely to occur if B has occurred already, while Pr (B|A) implies that probability B could occur if A has happened already.

Compound Interest

Compound interest is the additional interest to the principal amount of loan and deposit (Deringer 109). The form of interest is not only calculated on the principal amount but also on the interest that has accumulated over the years. With this in mind, some people may describe it as a form of interest on interest. For instance, if a person takes a loan of 5000 dollars for an interest of 5% every week, the interest within the first week will be 250. Thus, if the person were to pay the loan within the first week, they would have paid a sum of 5250. If the loan proceeds to the second week, the interest will be 5% of the total sum of 5250. From the example, one can see that the interest is charged on the original loan amount and accumulated interest within the first week hence describing the compound interest.

Works Cited

Deringer, William. "Compound interest corrected: the imaginative mathematics of the financial future in early modern England." Osiris, vol. 33, no. 1, 2018, pp. 109-129., doi:10.1086/699236.

Jamalizadeh, Ahad, and Narayanaswamy Balakrishnan. "Conditional distributions of multivariate normal mean-variance mixtures." Statistics & Probability Letters, vol. 145, 2019, pp. 312-316., doi:10.1016/j.spl.2018.10.005.

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High Resolution Images: Exploring the Pixel Power - Essay Sample. (2023, Apr 04). Retrieved from https://proessays.net/essays/high-resolution-images-exploring-the-pixel-power-essay-sample

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