Gender Smart Business Solutions: Addressing Gender Equality in PNG & Caribbean - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  497 Words
Date:  2023-05-17


The Gender inequality issues brought up in the Gender Smart Business Solutions Case Study addresses gender-based violence with organizations in Papua New Guinea.

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The gender equality plan in the Caribbean area is characterized as a significant accomplishment that has been further developed and twisted into an organizational architecture that addresses issues faced by different women and men (Cole, 2017). The system involving representatives from the national and local government, legislative and judicial branches, trade unions, and civil society organizations ensure that these problems are addressed (DeShong, 2017). There is a need to strengthen existing successes, especially given the current economic uncertainty and the revival of conservative political viewpoints in the country.

The success calls for the refinement of gender equality targets and technological and political tools and the strengthening of their synergies with other planning methods, especially the growth planning tools that will gain traction under the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals. One of the approaches from the Papua New Guinea IFC program involves formulating strategies on violence towards women, infant mortality, and teenage pregnancy (Lacey, 2019). This approach has been adopted in the area of physical autonomy; political participation far below gender equality, in the sphere of sovereignty in decision-making; and the integration of women into the workforce, under acceptable circumstances, and ownership of monetary wealth and energy in the area of economic sovereignty on equal terms with men.

Other initiatives also include targets and initiatives on women's education and employment, and environmental conservation and sustainable use, all topics also addressed by the regional gender platform. The schemes of the countries are the local manifestation of the agreements established by the Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean during 40 years of sessions (Parpart, 2017). In educating girls and women, they would be in a stronger place to tackle problems of gender inequality because they know their rights and how they can be addressed.

The mitigation factors that will resolve this approach include growing accessibility to robust and well-coordinated programs to respond to gender-based abuse and help for survivors. Other mitigation factors include increasing understanding and improving gender-based violence reduction programs like SEA by reducing the risk factor and developing mechanisms for community security (Crawford, 2017). And, mainstreaming gender-based violence into all humanitarian response, and maintaining the updated comprehensive data needed to inform advocacy, planning, and intervention implementation.


Cole, M. (Ed.). (2017). Education, equality and human rights: issues of gender,'race', sexuality, disability and social class. Routledge.

Crawford, C., & Jackson-Best, F. (2017). Feminist pedagogy and social change: the impact of the caribbean institute in gender and development. Gender and Education, 29(6), 709-730.

DeShong, H. A., & Crawford, C. (2017). Gender, Sexuality and Feminism in the Caribbean: Transdisciplinary Engagements. Journal of Eastern, 42(3), 1-6.

Lacey, K. K., Jeremiah, R. D., & West, C. M. (2019). Domestic Violence Through a Caribbean Lens: Historical Context, Theories, Risks and Consequences. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 1-20.

Parpart, J., & McFee, D. (2017). Rethinking Gender Mainstreaming in Development Policy and Practice. Caribbean Review of Gender Studies, (11).

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Gender Smart Business Solutions: Addressing Gender Equality in PNG & Caribbean - Essay Sample. (2023, May 17). Retrieved from

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