Gender or sexual liberation means getting freed from sexual harassment or being seen as a lesser person because of one's gender (Hsu, 2018). We are living in a society where women and ladies are seen as more inferior people or people who cannot have the same rights as men. For instance, women are viewed as people who cannot lead in society; they are seen as weak and have less say when it comes to leadership. Some people cannot even take whatever they say seriously nor give them equal chances as men. The society provides the male gender all the mandate to perform all tasks in the community leaving women with no say in the community (Hsu, 2018). Evening in meetings, women are not given equal chances to speak their voices since society does not recognize their effort, and if recognized, it has to be reviewed several times. In some communities across the world, they are even denied rights to education, and its viewed as a waste of resources to educate a girl and are married at a young age (Hsu, 2018). This is centrally not the case as women have proven themselves to have equal capabilities as men and can even do better when given a chance. Women in leadership have also proven the society wrong since they have come out to be the best leaders with minimal or no cases of greed for power or corruption cases as compared to their male counterparts. To understand this liberation better, we shall look at how other feminists understand and views Goldman's critique on the emancipation of women and another critique by Federici on sexual liberation and see how both critiques compare and how they contrast each other.
Goldman argued that to reconcile the issue of sexual harassment or oppression due to one's gender line does not necessarily depend on trying to make both genders equal nor getting rid of some peculiarities and traits of some selected individuals (Hsu, 2018). The main issue is how to make one feel valued and equally treated when you are in the society while one retains his or her gender characteristic, thus emancipation of a woman. This emancipation should make a woman feel more valued and human, everything she does in the society should be recognized and should be allowed to participate fully in all activities (Hsu, 2018). All barriers and hindrances should be kept aside and be done with, and women should be freed from slavery, submission, and even sexual harassment.
Through equality and liberty of a woman, the sun seems to put all her light to rise on the so-termed "new world" where a woman has the right to direct and control her destiny. This is a new aim and direction which shows some people's exceptional courage, enthusiasm, effort, and mere perseverance in trying to eradicate and remove the ignorance and prejudice of the world. Goldman argued that despite this woman's emancipation, having made every state's main goal and agenda, it has failed to produce great results and expectations (Hsu, 2018). Though the woman is free and has almost equal rights and privileges as a man, it has not bored any fruits in society. For instance, the inclusion of a woman in leadership and politics has not, by any chance, purified or cleansed the politics as many had advocated that a woman can when given an opportunity. For instance, the issue of politics and corruption has continued despite have women in leadership( Hsu,2018). Many said that since women are associated with good morals, once given that chance in politics and leadership, they would eradicate corruption in politics (Hsu, 2018). This is very different as corruption in politics does not entirely rely on people's morals, and any laxity in upholding them; instead, corruption in politics comes from a need to have more and is generally materialistic. Politics in this modern world is more of what you take than what you give and involves around getting blessed by taking more rather than giving out so that you can be blessed. With this kind of politics across the globe, Goldman critiques the emancipation of a woman since there is no single day a woman with all the rights and privileges will purify and cleanse this menace of corruption in politics.
According to Goldsman, emancipation of a woman have brought her to be equal with a man economically where a girl can choose her trade and professionalism but her physical training in the past and present can never put her in a position to compete with a man and have to use all her vitality and energy and strain in all means in order to reach the level of a man in the market value (Hsu, 2018). For instance, women professionals such as engineers, architects, doctors, and lawyers have not met the same confidence as their counterpart men in those professionals. Another thing is that many women are robbed off by the joy of love and motherhood that always hides her input and full exercise in the profession and work she is assigned as compared to their male counterparts and hence becomes less productive.
On the other hand, Federici involved herself in the women's movement, trying to fight for women's emancipation and liberation. She participated in different meetings despite being opposed. In her participation, she fights for women's rights and privileges. For instance, in their professionalisms, they should not be paid less since they have the same qualifications as men. She organized many campaigns and rallies fighting for these poor wages and salaries for women in Britain and Italy (Warner, Edelman, Federici, Halberstam, Kafer & Puar, 2015). By doing this, it was a way of liberating women from the oppression they faced due to their gender. She fought for women's recognition in society and that they were not fewer human beings and should enjoy all the rights and privileges enjoyed by men. She campaigned a lot, claiming that women deserved equal pay with their male counterparts for equal or the same work is done(Warner et al., 2015). She also fought for women to be given equal opportunities with men when it comes to issues of job and leadership opportunities.
From the above discussion, it is clear that women should not be oppressed nor harassed due to their gender. When given equal rights and privileges, I believe they can deliver the same way men can do. In schools, they should be allowed to pursue a career of their dreams since they have proven themselves. In the job market, they should be given equal opportunities like men since they have studied and are willing to deliver. They should be given equal wages and salaries just like men since the have similar leadership and politics, they should be given equal opportunities to lead and take charge since, in most cases, they have proven to be less greed and corrupt.
Hsu, R.H. (2018). Propagating Sex Radicalism in the Progressive Era: Emma Goldman's Anarchist Solution. Journal of Women's History 30(3), 38-63. doi:10.1353/jowh.2018.0029.
Warner, M., Cuboniks, L., Edelman, L., Federici, S., Halberstam, J., Kafer, A., & Puar, J. (2015). Feminist Killjoys: Theories of Gender and Sexuality. reproduction.
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