Vlassoff, Carol. "Gender differences in determinants and consequences of health and illness." Journal of health, population, and nutrition 25.1 (2007): 47.
This article uses a framework that aims to evaluate the relationship between the non-communicable health issues within the developing and developed nations. The model that is this research applies outlines that gender interacts, both the economic and social factors that determine the tropical diseases that lead to either male or female health outcomes. The article aimed to find out the relationship between the gender and the main causes of the chronic diseases and the approach methods used to prevention, and treatment of the illnesses.
The author used secondary materials such as online articles based on health and gender. This article depicts that factors such as the denying women to join schools, and participation in public forums, makes them lose knowledge on how the preventive measures and the treatment for various chronic diseases. The author asserts that in developing countries where the women have little knowledge on nutrition, they are likely to reduce their productivity as compared to men. The writer suggests that most African women lack nutritional education because men deny them the chance to attend the civil education on nutritional health.
The author concludes that gender is connected to social-economic and biological factors for tropical diseases. He suggests a need for women to understand the implications of various chronic diseases which he has outlined in this article. The article argues that the health issues for men cannot be equated to those of women.
Martin, Phiona, and Antoni Barnard. "The experience of women in male-dominated occupations: A constructivist grounded theory inquiry." SA Journal of Industrial Psychology39.2 (2013): 01-12.
The authors of this article focused in determining the challenges that women undergo when they are working in traditionally masculine dominated workplaces. The authors hope that the results of the research will be essential to the organizations by providing data that is useful in strategizing the work and gender policies and enhance the success of firms through coexistence the between the two sexes and avert single gender dominance. The researchers suggested that retaining women in male dominated occupations had proved a problem and as a result most women are forced to quit opportunities instead of developing their careers. The articles highlights that some careers such as engineering, banking and businesses are men's' jobs. The articles give an outlines of various challenge that female gender faced. Women lacked adequate resources in their working environment. Additionally the traditional stereotypes for women roles still continued in the working environments. The feminine have continued to struggle in n attempt to overcome the barriers in their career development. The stereotypes have resulted in lack of motivation in women during their course of work. The authors note that organizations that create social structures that result in gender bias which is a disadvantage to women. Moreover, the article argues that women have negative perceptions on jobs that men have historically dominated. The female exhibit low-esteem and reluctance for jobs that male are more competitive.
Additionally, women working in male dominated workplaces face little accommodation or opportunities from male counterparts. Men are unsupportive to women. Also, female gender experience more strain in the occupations that strenuous, due to inadequate physical strength, and the hormone cycle. For instance, during the menstrual cycle, women face fatigue issue s and pains that affect their work performance.
The author found that women faced work-life balance challenges between the home work responsibilities and the workplace jobs. The female gender also faced the work family conflict that was a barrier towards their career development. The articles further discusses that women without children felt that they had abandoned the traditional responsibility of having a family. To Evert inferiority complex, organizations can adopt strategies such a appreciating the feminine gender, enhancing women to male like resilient characters and give mentorship programs to boost their morale
Senne, Joshua A. "Examination of gender equity and female participation in sport." The Sport Journal 19 (2016): 1-9.
The author of this article focused on the gender equality in the field of sports. Sports most sports have been dominated by men. The articles investigated the historical background of the gender equity in sports and also the role of the Title Xi in promoting gender equality in the field of games. Women face difficulties in the games events because prevalence of masculinity demand which most women do not possess. Additionally the female gender in the athletic also face problem of masculinity requirements. As a result the society forms a common norm that athletic belongs to the male and competition for sport are described as less important. The media also plays part in promoting gender sport inequality by basing the success of a woman in the athletic completion with her body look.
The author concluded the research by providing the recommendation to improve women sports. The article argued that the media recognize the efforts of women in the game and not target o n the personal life of the participants only. Additionally ,the author requires the society to thwart the stereotypical roles for women and embrace the ports culture for women the issue of masculinity should not be a determinant in women participation in women athletic competition and therefore they require equal opportunity in involve in all games. As a result more young girls will develop the interests to look for opportunities in competitions.
Becker, Jill B., Michele L. McClellan, and Beth Glover Reed. "Sex differences, gender and addiction." Journal of neuroscience research 95.1-2 (2017): 136-147.
The authors focus on how the gender response to the drug abuse, and the change in the brain after addiction. The articles argued that different sexes exhibit different behaviors when they are in addiction drug which takes place in different s stage that include; the initiation stage, intensification, preservation and relapse stage. At the initial stage there is no addiction, however. During the initial stages, women experienced more pleasure in the drug than the male. Also, they increased the amount the frequency of taking the drugs than that of male. Girls are more addicted to drugs and the side effects are more rampant to female gender than to the male gender. Moreover, girls have a higher relapse rate compared to that of masculine. Also, the feminine, undergo stern withdrawal symptoms including the swing moods, nervousness and increased stress. However, the male have higher withdrawal symptoms when refraining from alcohol consumption. Girls have greater chance for relapse due to greater withdrawal symptoms. In addition, stress that comes after abstinence may lead to reversion to drug abuse. The article argues that the responses of women addiction to drugs are not exclusively determined by the biological factors but also the socio-cultural reasons.
Schwanke, Dee-Ann. "Barriers for women to positions of power: How societal and corporate structures, perceptions of leadership and discrimination restrict women's advancement to authority." Earth Common Journal 3.2 (2013).
The author is concerned with the fact that employees continue to deny women executive leadership positions in the society. The representation of women in the governance and authority is still faint. The article focuses on the barriers that embed women in business settings. Additionally, the research focuses on the why it is not possible to recognize the gender discrimination, the societal view and the women reaction towards the sex prejudice.
The author outlines that gender disparity is a result of the either societal or corporate policies. The society expects women to combine both household roles and workplace responsibilities. The issue of work-balance arises as most of them choose to work on both in an attempt to save their career. Also, the corporate have a belief that women have family responsibilities and therefore, they do not require executive positions. They work in areas where chances for career development are dismal and as a result they cannot easily win senior managerial promotions. Additionally, the organizational structure can hinder the advancements for women. The systems can be male dominating therefore, inhibiting the women from acquiring the positions in the entity. Also low confidence in women has resulted in the inferiority complex in women and as a result the male counterparts can easily intimidate them.
The article depicts that; in an attempt to fight these barriers women have adopted the use of contracts. The agreements state the promises between the employees on various factors such as job security, training, and promotions. The author asserts that the complex and the widespread barriers hinder the many women to power. Factors such as the organizational structure, prejudicial and discriminatory issues that women face, limit them to pursue their career. The article recommends that to rectify this issue, the organization must do away with the myths and embrace women empowerment.
Works Cited
Becker, Jill B., Michele L. McClellan, and Beth Glover Reed. "Sex differences, gender and addiction." Journal of neuroscience research 95.1-2 (2017): 136-147.
Martin, Phiona, and Antoni Barnard. "The experience of women in male-dominated occupations: A constructivist grounded theory inquiry." SA Journal of Industrial Psychology39.2 (2013): 01-12.
Schwanke, Dee-Ann. "Barriers for women to positions of power: How societal and corporate structures, perceptions of leadership and discrimination restrict women's advancement to authority." Earth Common Journal 3.2 (2013).
Senne, Joshua A. "Examination of gender equity and female participation in sport." The Sport Journal 19 (2016): 1-9.
Vlassoff, Carol. "Gender differences in determinants and consequences of health and illness." Journal of health, population, and nutrition 25.1 (2007): 47.
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