When a nation arms its citizens with guns, murder becomes a common way of life. The United States of America is the most developed country globally. However, the number of gun-related deaths is warranting. According to the National Research Council, an average of 35000 people loses their lives in America due to gun violence every year (1). Among the developed nations, the United States of America is the leading country in the number of juvenile homicide cases (National Research Council, 1). Different scholars and researchers have dedicated their lives to studying the patterns of murder in the United States and devise strategies and suggestions to the relevant authorities on how they can mitigate life loss due to this menace. The controversial debate of disarming the Americans have dominated public platforms with different people taking opposing positions (Butkus et al., 3). Gun control decreases the average level of crimes such as robbery, homicides, suicides, thereby reducing the number of gun violence-related deaths.
Different policies and strategies can be implemented to control the use of guns in the United States of America. According to Cook and Kristin, the first step towards implementing gun control measures is educating the citizens on the need for control. Many people assume that when the government attempts to control weapons ownership in the country aim is to take away their protection and make them dependent on the authorities (Cook and Kristin 2). Thus the heated argument raised opposing this strategy is based on ungrounded assumptions and ignorance. Cook and Kristin suggest that public participation is a paramount step necessary in eliminating the prejudices.
Disarm Domestic Abusers
Domestic abusers refer to men and women who have been reported to have domestic violence-related cases. The number of women who die annually as a result of domestic violence, which results in being shot by their spouse is substantially high. According to the Center for American Progress, the number of women who have been murdered by an intimate partner using a gun from 2004 to 2015 is more than 6000. In most cases, having a gun in a home characterized by violence increases the likelihood of homicide. According to Butkus et al., the United States laws have limited the purchase of guns for individuals who have been previously evicted for domestic violence (3). Federal laws formulated include spouses only while ignoring people who are dating. According to Stalchelberg et al., higher cases of intimate partners killing are reported when people are dating, when an ex-partner is stocking the other or when divorcees are co-parenting (4). Therefore, the government should impose laws prohibiting any domestic abuser from purchasing a gun regardless of whether it is dating or married.
Carry Out Background Check for Guns Sales
People who have been convicted of various crimes are not allowed by the law to purchase guns (Lanza, 902). Consequently, gun sellers in the United States of America are required to carry out a background check on people purchasing guns to ascertain that they have not been blacklisted. Failure to scrutinize a purchaser results in arming people who are legally not fit for owning guns. According to Miller et al., 22% of gun owners who obtained firearms over the last two years reported doing so without a background check" (2). Government restrictions are lax on people who sell guns privately via shows or online transactions. This gap in restrictions provides a loophole for people with malicious reasons and are banned from purchasing weapons to obtain them. When a person engages in crimes such as pickpocketing, petty theft, or other small crimes, arming them allows them to graduate to robbers and murderers.
According to Miller et al., people who have psychological problems should also not be permitted to own guns. Suicidal cases among mentally incapacitated individuals or people suffering from depression are substantially high. Therefore, the government should restrict the weapons sellers to ask for a medical clearance certificate from people purchasing firearms (Lanza, 903). The impaired judgment problems exhibited by people with mental problems or drug addicts make them more likely to commit suicide or murder if they are allowed to own guns.
Impose Restriction on Excessive Use of Force from Police
Based on the statistics from Gifford Law Center, 1.4% of gun-related deaths in the United States of America can be ascribed to law enforcement officers. Although the law prevents police officers from shooting suspects unless it is the only option, cases of unarmed civilians who have been shot by police even after surrendering to them is substantially (National Research Council, 2). Ascertaining the merits of the self-defense excuse becomes a challenge when the suspect is dead and cannot defend himself. Therefore, the government needs to impose guidelines on how the police should treat a suspect. Hefty fines, job loss, and jail terms should be imposed as the punishment for men in uniform who take others' lives without proper reason. According to Lanza, many people are killed during demonstrations and riots by stray bullets from law enforcers. Although the police officers are required to maintain law and order, the use of guns with live bullets should be prohibited and rubber bullets, which can also be useful in breaking a demonstration without killing people to be encouraged. According to the National Research Council, training police officers alternative methods for resolving disputes or dealing with suspects will reduce the number of death. Psychological help should also be provided to the forces to help them deal with challenges that may cloud their judgment resulting in murder.
Formulate Community Based Prevention Programs
Gun violence in the United States of America is widespread among Black Americans or the neighborhoods where drug cartels dominate (Cook and Kristin 8). Crimes in these arrears are high due to poor living standards and unemployment. Most crimes are committed by people of the same neighborhood who are protected by organized criminal groups. As a community, the most effective way of reducing gun-related deaths is by working together with the authorities to eradicate the criminal groups in the area. When a community join forces to provide evidence against violence, crimes are most likely to reduce. Implementation of gun control policies without evidence for putting behind bars people who violate them may only solve the problem inadequately when organized crime groups are prohibited from purchasing firearms from licensed traders, resulting in smuggling of illegal guns from other countries. The government weapon records constitute of only firearms that are sold through legal means. Therefore, the bullet's records for illegal weapons are unavailable, making it difficult to trace a murder case to an individual.
In the past, the government has tried to control gun ownership in the United States of America by encouraging people to surrender illegal firearms. However, the community has ignored the call due to the fear of prosecution (Lanza 905). Effective implementation of any government policies depends on the attitude and the way people react to it. When a person notices strange activities from their neighbors, such as possession of heavy guns, the community programs will provide a platform for raising the concern. The program will aid the government in retrieving illegal firearms and reducing the overall crime rates.
Impose Strict Penalties to Teenagers who are In Possession of Firearm
The American juvenile laws are lax on children who are caught with firearms (National Research Council 4). Therefore, teenagers, especially in the hoods who get involved with criminal gangs, know that the punishment is minimal. The mind of teenagers is not fully developed, and therefore, they cannot be trusted to make rational decisions. The responsibility of taking care of them lies with their parents and guardians, and therefore they should be more vigilant. Teenagers are more likely to eliminate a person due to minor arguments than adults who think about the consequences of their actions. Schools and other institutions should ensure that the students are screened before there are allowed into their premises to avoid cases of guns being sneaked in.
Imposing Risk Based Control
When a family member of the general community feels uncertain about the safety of the gun holder being in its possession due to posing a threat to themselves or others, the government should impose laws enabling them to seek legal intervention (Butkus et al. 104). Instances of people coming homicides, suicide, or unintentional shootings may be high when they are experiencing hardships. When a licensed gun holder keeps on insinuating that they will commit suicide or kill someone, the family members should seek legal action to revoke the license, hence retrieving the weapon from the person.
Gun control decreases the average level of crimes such as robbery, homicides, suicides, among others and thereby reducing the number of gun violence-related deaths. The government can adopt; disarming of people with domestic violence cases; makes it mandatory for firearms sellers to carry out background checks on buyers; Impose restrictions on excessive use force by the law enforcement agencies; formulate community-based prevention programs; impose massive penalties teenagers arrested in possession of guns and impose risk-based controls. Effective implementation of the following measures will reduce the number of deaths from gun violence.
Works Cited
Butkus, Renee, Robert Doherty, and Sue S. Bornstein. "Reducing firearm injuries and deaths in the United States: a position paper from the American College of Physicians." Annals of internal medicine 169.10 (2018): 704-707.
Cook, Philip J., and Kristin A. Goss. The gun debate: What everyone needs to know®. Oxford University Press, USA, 2020.
Gifford Law Center. Gun violence statistics. (2017)
Lanza, Steven P. "The effect of firearm restrictions on gun-related homicides across US states." Applied Economics Letters 21.13 (2014): 902-905.
Miller, Matthew, Lisa Hepburn, and Deborah Azrael. "Firearm acquisition without background checks: results of a national survey." Annals of internal medicine 166.4 (2017): 233-239.
National Research Council. Priorities for research to reduce the threat of firearm-related violence. National Academies Press, 2013.
Stachelberg, Winnie, et al. Preventing domestic abusers and stalkers from accessing guns. Center for American Progress, 2013.
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