Foraminifera: Tiny Tanks of Life for 540M Years - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  461 Words
Date:  2023-04-12


Foraminifera is well known to be single-celled protists that are made up of tanks or, in other words, tests, which is a technological term for internal cells. They had been of existence since the previous 540 million years ago (Meisterfeld, et al., 2001). These tanks are separated into two chambers, which are added through growth, the open tube, or in another term, hollow spheres are other purest forms. They range in proportions from approximately 100 micrometers to 20 centimeters (Meisterfeld, et al., 2001). Most of them live in the ocean, and their population is estimated to be almost 4,000 living in the world today, out of these, 40 species are platonic meaning that they float on water. The article discusses the locomotion of foraminifera protist, its evolutions as well as it is found.

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The extent foraminifera move, feed, and emit waste using pores, which are located in their test, and they are known as pseudopodia or cell extensions that are swollen. They are vital part of the food chain in marine life, since they eat small microorganisms and detritus while, in turn, they serve as food for more significant organisms. Calcium carbonate from nannoplankton has been deposited, and form fine-grained chalk, also known as limestone for some time (Wukovits, at el., 2017). With this in mind, these organisms have been used to determine or lead to past environment evidence. Its facts have helped scientists understand the history of the ocean and atmosphere at large. They have also been used in mapping the previous distribution tropics while also location prehistoric shoe lines, and there has been made possible by studying foraminifera outside their typical spectrum


The evolution of foraminifera has been considered as gradual one since it was attempted several times. However, it has shown no indication for the progressive upsurge in foraminifer's assessment complexity (Meisterfeld, et al., 2001). Apart from foraminifera, which is organic-walled, Aleyrodidae and others that are agglutinated forms can survive in freshwater bodies (Wukovits, at el., 2017). Moreover, the rest belong to salty waters hence the rigidity in the evolution of the foraminifera protists.


In conclusion, different organisms evolve in different ways and are unique in their own ways. Foraminifera organism is known for emitting its waste using pores. Its environment has prayed a vital role in helping the researchers to know more about the ocean environment.


Meisterfeld, R., Holzmann, M., & Pawlowski, J. (2001). Morphological and molecular characterization of a new terrestrial all grooming species: Edaphoallogromia Australia gen. et spec. nov.(Foraminifera) from Northern Queensland (Australia). Protist, 152(3), 185-192.

Wukovits, J., Enge, A. J., Oberrauch, M., Watzka, M., Wanek, W., & Heinz, P. (2017, April). Intertidal foraminifera (Protista) and carbon-nitrogen cycling: combined effects of temperature and diet quality. In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts (Vol. 19, p. 5120).

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Foraminifera: Tiny Tanks of Life for 540M Years - Essay Sample. (2023, Apr 12). Retrieved from

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