The documentary was very interesting. I liked the determination Al Gore has in making the climate change and global warming topic relevant in America. This was evident especially when Al Gore did not give up on achieving his quest to talk about the climate crisis despite facing numerous critics.
The primary argument of the documentary was global warming and climate by centering Al Gore's determination to fight this crisis. As a way to achieve his interest, Al Gore strives to persuade the government to invest in renewable energy concluding in the signing of Paris Agreement. It represents the agreement within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC) which aims at dealing with the mitigation of greenhouse gasses emission beginning year 2020.
In my opinion, I agree with this primary argument presented in the documentary. This is because the concept of global warming and emission of greenhouse gases is becoming the leading topic that is contributing to climate change in the United States. With the continued changes in climate, the country stands a chance to face climatic risks in the future if the issue is not addressed early enough. Therefore, I concur with the consistent determination that Al Gore presented to solve the crisis. I support the initiative that Al Gore takes to tour the world training citizens on climate changes and subsequent solutions. It strengthens the collaboration of citizens in addressing the most significant risk that will potentially strike humanity in the future.
The four specific concepts that I found interesting in the documentary include the following;Fact 1: While most of the people criticized Al Gore thinking that he was politicizing the climate change topic, it was not the case. Instead, Al Gore was a major political figure that was concerned and stood with the desire to address the current and potential climate crisis facing the country.
Fact 2: In the attempt to address the climate change crisis, Al Gore uses practice climate implications such as the Crumbling ice that would cause floods.
Fact 3: When Gore meets the people that have been affected by terrible storms, he explains that this happens as a result of climate changes that create these charged storms such as Harvey, Irma, Sandy, and Maria.
Fact 4: At the end, the documentary suggests that we as citizens are on our own since the government is no longer committed to securing the efficiency of the planet. Therefore as the community, there is a need to change our perspective about climate changes and work in unison to address the crisis before it becomes the greatest challenge facing humanity.
Fact 1 presented a fascinating topic considering how climate change has potential risks to the country. In his article posted at New York Times website, Schwartz elaborates the issue by explaining how climate changes stand to put the country at risk. He gives an example of how climate change has contributed to hurricanes, drought, floods, the rise of sea level temperatures, and a shortage of clean water. It is evident where Florida is currently facing drought and high temperatures. The article further outlines how climate changes led to Hurricane Michael which occurred at Panhandle. The article further outlines that California is also facing wildfire, increased temperatures, and heat waves. Therefore, if the situation is not addressed, it will get worse and become more disastrous.
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Film Analysis Essay "An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power". (2022, Nov 13). Retrieved from
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