Exploring Art: A Visual Analysis Essay

Paper Type:  Research paper
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  703 Words
Date:  2023-04-04


Throughout history, art has been a significant aspect of people's lives across the globe. A considerable percentage of individuals or artists have been creating, relishing, and criticizing the artworks. However, art does not necessarily require to be comprehensively studied to understand and appreciate it profoundly, but instead, it is a visual analysis that captures the eyes. Whether the chief aim of an artist is to communicate a particular message or emotion effectively, the essential thing concerns how excellently does the audience comprehend it. Art is adequately described as a visual expression or a creative activity like sculpture or painting that substantially motivates individuals into various distinct reality and subconscious items that they hardly knew of their existence. On the subject of art, the principal focus of this paper is to critically analyze and compare two of the most compelling artworks under the topic regarding traditional history and culture. Their significance, the popularity of the involved artists as well as their representation of iconic images, will also be discussed. In particular, the paper will focus on the Shadows of Liberty colonial art, painted in the 21st century (2016) by Titus Kaphar, which is an iconic depiction of the American culture through a renowned political leader on his legendary white horse (Kaphar). The artistic piece will then be compared to one art that is more historically canonical, which is the Engraving Washington Receiving a Salute on the Field of Trenton painted in the nineteenth century by John Faed (1870).

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The enigmatic drawing by Titus represents a three-dimensional painting of George Washington, which is the most artistically captivating art challenging the ideals in art and American history and communicates a lot to the audience. The Shadows of Liberty significantly depicts a colonial art custom that is made of an oil painting of Washington on his proverbial white horse. Still, he is concealed with dropping fragments representing his slave records and, in a nod, symbolizing the rusty nails affiliated with the African American power figures (Kaphar). The strips cascading on the image of Washington offers a contemporary way of understanding American history (Reynolds 4). The primary objective of Titus through this piece of art was to tell the tale of America, especially concerning the concept of slavery without any sign of demonizing or idolizing the forefathers (Reynolds 6). He essentially attempted to depict the iconic leaders in history and how glorified images of the past impacts the modern world.

Additionally, John Faed mainly painted historical and religious scenes. His beautiful portrait of George Washington taking the salute at Trenton is the most famous paintings found in many private and public art collections today, primarily because of how effectively he portrays him (Faed). Through its various colors and comparison of the size, the artwork depicts the heroic nature of Washington (Weig). The white horse, as well as the vivacious body, stand out as compared to the dark background due to the shadows (Weig). Although the artwork was painted, Faed represents Washington as an influential leader of the United States and shows the impact he had that is still present in the world today.


However, my overall review of the two paintings is that they have done tremendous work in examining the iconic image of Washington as a great leader and the first President of America. The styles of both pieces are relevant, and what makes the two artists more popular is their artistic depiction of the political leaders and their impacts. Their ability to emphasize the moral crises of the past is a clear indication of their strength in art. Generally, art is a significant way of preserving incredible moments of the past and helps in expressing visions and emotions through diverse and exclusive ways.

Works Cited

Faed, John. "Washington Receiving a Salute on the Field of Trenton" https://www.loc.gov/resource/pga.01593/. Accessed February 11, 2020.

Kaphar, Titus. "Shadows of Liberty, 2016" https://cdn.theatlantic.com/thumbor/qknDmAQlRZvTCHrdlvT8EXffhCQ=/0x0:4000x5270/1200x1584/media/img/posts/2017/11/TitusKaphar_ShadowsofLiberty_2016/original.jpg. Accessed February 11, 2020.

Reynolds, Jock. "Director's Foreword: July 1, 2016-June 30, 2017." Yale University Art Gallery Bulletin (2017): 4-10. https://artgallery.yale.edu/collections/objects/219829. Accessed February 11, 2020.

Weig, Melvin J. Morristown National Historical Park, New Jersey: A Military Capital of the American Revolution. No. 7. National Park Service, 1950.

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