Evaluation of the Social Impacts of Toutiao Mobile Application Algorithmic Operations

Paper Type:  Thesis proposal
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  800 Words
Date:  2022-07-01

Topic Characteristics

My thesis will focus on the social effects of Toutiao mobile application algorithmic operations. The artificial intelligence is credited for the success of Toutiao as a Chinese news application. The social impact of the application on the audience has been undisputable since its launch. However, the application has received criticism because of having fake news that confuses the users. Hence, many scholars argue that the artificial intelligence technology has created 'information cocoon.'I will attempt to illustrate if this has to be the case; I will also try to verify my models empirically. I examine into social impacts of algorithmic operations in a vast quantitative literature survey. I am going to utilize data from the database of the Toutiao Company which owns the application to obtain 10 thousand pieces of news. I will discuss the three social impacts of algorithmic operations in the context of Toutiao application. The challenge of 'information cocoon' that the app faces will be discussed.

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Toutiao mobile application algorithmic operations are positively related to liberating the labor force.

Toutiao mobile application algorithmic operations are positively related to creating and guiding the public opinion.

Toutiao mobile application algorithmic operations are positively related to reducing false news.


Concerning the Social Impact of Algorithmic operations in the preliminary part of the thesis, I am going to use the quantitative literature review. The latter thoroughly integrates the results of various works that study similar phenomena and use similar metrics. I will utilize particularly the usual regression method but deviate from the standard approach, and I will use strong, pseudo-panel, and probability moderate regression as well. Examining the combined significance, I will depend on the standard vote-counting method and a more sophisticated methodology. In the process of content analysis, we will create eight variables to test the above hypothesis. The data will be analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software. Other than this basic descriptive analyses, it primarily focuses on linear regression and moderation analyses.

Concerning the theoretical models of social influence, my methodology will be mostly microscopic; I am going to utilize microscopic models particularly The IC and LT models. When trying to verify/falsify my macroscopic and microscopic models, I will depend mainly on statistical methods particularly moderate regression and surveys.



Background and the purpose of my research

An Analysis of Toutiao mobile application algorithmic operations

Content Analysis and Surveys

Moderation Regression Analysis

Social Impact of Algorithmic operations

liberate the labor force

create and guide the public opinion

Reduce false news

Which is the weak or Strong Social Impact of Algorithmic operations?

Data description

Regression Model

Results and Discussion



References / Bibliography

References / Bibliography

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Evaluation of the Social Impacts of Toutiao Mobile Application Algorithmic Operations. (2022, Jul 01). Retrieved from https://proessays.net/essays/evaluation-of-the-social-impacts-of-toutiao-mobile-application-algorithmic-operations

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