Effect of Cell Phone Use on People Essay

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  757 Words
Date:  2022-05-06

Cellphone use continues to grow every day, and therefore, cell phones are no longer a luxury nor a symbol of status like it a few years back but more of accessories. People have become dependent on them for, e-commerce, e-learning, internet, communication, data storage, filming, photographing among other many other things. As people get more dependent on cell phones, manufacturers have realized the vast and undying market to take advantage of. Every day, more and advanced cell phones with improved features are dropped in the market and people competitively purchase them to meet diverse needs. Although they are of great benefit and it is not easy to do away with them, it is necessary to examine the effects of cellphones on people both positively and negatively. In this essay, therefore, the side effects of cell phones will be investigated.

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Human health is essential, and when addressing the effects of cellphones, it is crucial to examine how the human body is affected by cellphone and cellphone use. Most cell phones are handheld, and this has caused difficulties and particular health problems. Prolonged Cell phone use has been linked to back, upper extremities and neck pains. According to Neupane, Ali, and Mathew (24), excessive and prolonged hour of cellphones use cause tension on the body muscles and tendons. If the problem persists then on can be diagnosed with visual display terminal syndrome. It is, therefore, necessary to use cellphones minimally and when necessary to avoid straining the body muscles causing health problems.

According to Zamanian and Hardiman (12), Cellphone emits electromagnetic waves which have a negative impact on people's health. Cell phones are said to be a contributor and cause for cancer and scientists are breaking their backs to verify the claims. Studies in the laboratory have proved right that radiation from cell phones causes brain tumor when performed on rats, but when studies are done on people, there is no much evidence collected. Although no proof is yet to be put out, it is necessary to take percussions and keep cell phones away from the body to avoid any forms of radiation. Prolonged cell phone use has also been linked to constant headaches, short memory and memory loss, insomnia and nausea. These health problems are also associated with radiation exposure from cell phones.

Cellphone use can also contribute to human health damage indirectly. For example, a case of cell phone use and driving. A driver on a cellphone has high chances of causing an accident compared to a focused driver not using a cell phone. Cell phones are destructors, and they rob diver's attention on the road. According to the National Safety Council, most road accidents are caused by drivers on the phone. Also in the United States, 1 of 4 accidents are caused by driver's texting or on a cellphone call (Strayer, Drews, and Johnston 78). Just like drunk driving, cell phone use while driving is equally a disastrous and have similar dreadful consequences. It is necessary for cell phone use while driving be banned to save peoples life and health.

Cellphone us today has been discovered to be a primary cause of a behavior disorder. People are social beings and must be dependent on each other. To make the dependency a success people have to interact and form bonds. This today is every day becoming impossible as more people are getting withdrawn as they prefer spending much of their time on a cell phone rather than spending quality time with friends and family making bonds. Internet addiction, laziness, and antisocial behaviors are all being contributed by cell phone use.


Technology is man's best friend, and as much as people try, technology cannot be avoided. The increased dependency of the cellphone as a technology, however, is alarming and people need to be informed of dangers the gadget can causes if not regulated in use. People need to value their health more, and in the process, people should strive to make an individual connection with friends and family rather than spending time on cell phones. Cellphone must be minimally used by both pedestrians and drivers. Avoid constant texting while driving or any form of cellphone us on the road.

Works Cited

Strayer, David L., Frank A. Drews, and William A. Johnston. "Cell phone-induced failures of visual attention during simulated driving." Journal of experimental psychology: Applied 9.1 (2003): 23.

Zamanian, Ali, and Cy Hardiman. "Electromagnetic radiation and human health: A review of sources and effects." High Frequency Electronics 4.3 (2005): 16-26.

Neupane, Sunil, UT Ifthikar Ali, and A. Mathew. "Text Neck Syndrome-Systematic Review." Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research 3.7 (2017).

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Effect of Cell Phone Use on People Essay. (2022, May 06). Retrieved from https://proessays.net/essays/effect-of-cell-phone-use-on-people-essay

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