Essay Sample on the Significance of Text Themes to Everyday Life

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  385 Words
Date:  2022-11-19


Themes bring out the central idea of any text. The paper gives insight to the importance of text's themes to one's daily life, personal knowledge, and experience gained from the subjects.

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The importance of the central idea of a text would be to derive the message of gaining knowledge. Text themes as well enlighten us on different perspectives to everyday life. As much as reading short stories expound our vocabulary, movies alternatively show us of the indigenous cultures around us that we have never met. Over time the message carried along from the texts changes our thinking on our everyday lives. For instance, a good movie is worth twenty years of life lessons apart from affecting one's speech from knowledge gained by quotes from casts.

The heart of a story is what makes up the text themes. Themes from texts often derive moral lessons we would learn to influence our character from what we knew before. The central idea of a text illustrates our transformations in later experiences thereafter. Themes in texts help us connect in the universal life elements we know impacting our experiences. As our actions, feelings, and thoughts go in hand with the characters probably in that particular story or movie.

Literature allows us to make a reflection of our experiences possibilities. Text themes to our everyday life insights a better understanding of who we are and the surrounding. Texts go to an extent to build our textual and personal histories between the life of those around us and our lives. Texts shape our existence as we get to understand our conditions thus recreating ourselves from knowing better our cultural values. For example from a short narrative, we see much reality through the themes bringing in substance to our lives.


In conclusion, text themes carry along great messages that we apply to our everyday life. The central idea of texts influences the knowledge we have affecting our later experiences. Text themes shape to bringing substance to our lives.

Works Cited

Cairney, Trevor H. "Literature and life: How text can shape lives and build communities of interest and belonging." Australian Literacy Educators Association conference, Darling Harbour, Sydney Australia. 2004.

Hargood, Charlie. Exploring the Importance of Themes in Narrative Systems. Diss. University of Southampton, 2009.Rosenblatt, Louise M. "Literature as exploration." Modern Language Association, 2016.

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Essay Sample on the Significance of Text Themes to Everyday Life. (2022, Nov 19). Retrieved from

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