Essay Sample on Ordering and Balancing Christology: Divine and Human Existence

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  774 Words
Date:  2023-09-25


Christology is the study relating to the nature, person, and role of Christ. Christology is very important in a Christian’s life as it helps one to know the identity of Christ as divine and as human. Christology reveals how he existed as divine and human to fulfill his earthly mission. Clearly, not many people understand how it was possible for the two to exist in one. Fortunately, Christology helps people to understand it.

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Christology is also very significant as it helps a believer to see how Christianity relates to the work and life of Christ. The life was Christ was a mirror for his disciples, and the values and virtues he had were important. The disciples were expected to learn from him and follow him. Christ worked as a way of passing important messages to the people (Erickson, 2013). The works of Christ help a person to understand the value and dignity of work, as portrayed by Jesus Christ.

Interrelation of Christology

Christology from above is the understanding of Christ based on the early churches. In Christology from above, the believer's faith was based on the testimonies of Christ by the prophets and apostles. On the other hand, Christology from below is the understanding of Christ from a historical point of view. The believer’s faith is usually based on proof from the history of Christ (Erickson, 2013). The historical events of Christ describe who he was and what he did in person during His earthly days.

How Can Things Go Wrong if We Do Not Get the Order Right?

First, believers may end up interpreting the biblical teachings incorrectly and improperly. Second, the wrong order of Christology may result in people’s point of view, which may differ from that intended by Christ. Third, the conflict of Jesus as a person and his divinity may be highly contradicted if the Christology order is not gotten right.

Significance of the Biblical Teaching Regarding the Deity of Christ

First, the teachings show the divine authority that Christ had in him, therefore, making it possible for him to forgive sinners, heal diseases, raise people from the dead and even have power over nature. Secondly, the teachings reveal the power of God the father. Jesus claimed to be the son of God and did not credit himself, but he fully credited the existence of God the father (Erickson, 2013).

Importance of Christ’s Deity in the Christian Faith

Christ’s deity is significant in Christian faith as it helps in the salvation of the Christian. A Christian who believes in the divinity of Christ believes in his saving power. Also, Christ deity helps a Christian to believe in the forgiving nature of Christ as he came to provide for all the sinful people. Lastly, Christ’s deity helps a Christian to believe in eternal life. Just as the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Meaning there is life after death.

The Prophetic, Kingly, and Priestly Roles Christ Comes to Fulfill

Christ fulfilled the three roles, as described in the scriptures. However, Jesus, as a prophet, was different from other prophets. This is because he had come from God. He passed on prophetic revelations, some containing messages of doom and judgment while others were about salvation and good news. The coming of Christ was also a fulfillment of the prophecy about him being a successor to David.

Christ’s priestly roles were fulfilled when Jesus was teaching the people using parables. Parables were short stories that were used to pass important teachings related to the kingdom of God. Every parable had a specific lesson. His priestly role is also evident when he offers prayers to God and forgiveness to the sinful people (Erickson, 2013).

Kingly roles fulfilled by Christ were evident when he entered Jerusalem just like a king. Moreover, the Pharisees and Sadducees mocked him during the cross, saying that if he was the king of kings as he claimed, to save himself. Christ used his kingly role to show humility to the people.


The priestly, kingly, and prophetic roles of Christ enlighten a believer in aspects such as humility, self-control, patience, and more so love for humankind that made him die on the cross. He humbly went through suffering in the hands of the hypocrites despite being the king of kings so that his saving mission would be accomplished entirely. Moreover, Christ marvels believers with love when he utters the words of forgiveness for the people who had gone ahead and chosen Barnabas instead of Him (Erickson, 2013).


Erickson, M. J. (2013). Christian theology. Retrieved from

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Essay Sample on Ordering and Balancing Christology: Divine and Human Existence. (2023, Sep 25). Retrieved from

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