Essay Sample on Logistics Management: A Comprehensive View of Resource Acquisition, Transport & Storage

Paper Type:  Report
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  439 Words
Date:  2023-03-27

According to Intelligent and Leading Emerging Sciences Conference article by Amr, Ezzat, and Kassem the concept, logistics is the entire cycle of the management resources, including acquisition, transportation and storage. It covers areas of material management such as sourcing, inventory, packaging, recycling and manufacturing. Amr, Ezzat, and Kassem states that, "It logistic, examines the physical distribution of products and raw materials. The various categories of logistics include procurement, production, and sales logistics" (Amr et al.,2019). The field of procurement logistics deals with the acquisition of raw materials or parts in an organization, whereas production logistics involves the management of inventory along the production line. The primary areas under this field include the materials and production management, as well as shipping. Sales logistics mainly deals with the movement of finished products from the production points to the consumers. It involves the delivery of goods from the production warehouse to wholesalers, retailers until they finally reach the consumer. The article also explores the importance of logistics in supply chain management. In a nutshell, the article examines the entire concept of the supply chain.

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Intelligent and Leading Emerging Sciences Conference define logistics as the center of the essential link amid the derived and induced demands and supply. according to Amr, Ezzat, and Kassem "Logistics also involves a fundamental relationship between the derived and induced demands of its activities" (Amr et al.,2019). Logistics is vital for materials management, which generally generates a derived demand for distribution. It relies on the fact that whatever products come from a production point must be ferried, and stored before they are sold off. Supply chains are the integral state of balance or relationship between manufacturing or production, and distribution that depends upon effective logistics. Therefore, the article supports its stance on the importance of logistics on the manufacturing and mobility of raw materials and manufactured products.

The article focuses on articles mainly focuses on logistics as part of a company. It explains the concept of logistics in a way that it creates an impression of a department in an organization that handles all the logistics issues. However, working at a financial company as an intern, I realized that companies focus on their core production activities and outsource logistics services (Amr et al.,2019)). Logistics companies handle functions such as freight movement, storage, and inventory management. Other than that, all the different aspects of logistics in the article remain in line with the field experience of the concept of logistics.


Amr, M., Ezzat, M., & Kassem, S. (2019, October). Logistics 4.0: Definition and Historical Background. In 2019 Novel Intelligent and Leading Emerging Sciences Conference (NILES) (Vol. 1, pp. 46-49). IEEE.DOI: 10.1109/NILES.2019.8909314

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Essay Sample on Logistics Management: A Comprehensive View of Resource Acquisition, Transport & Storage. (2023, Mar 27). Retrieved from

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