Essay Sample on Influences of Consumer Behavior

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  505 Words
Date:  2022-10-15


Consumer behavior relates to the emotions and the reasoning of buyers that makes them recognize the need for a product and find the means to solve the need by planning for purchase. The way consumers make decisions on what products to buy differ from person to person. The variances exist because consumer decisions are influenced by various factors including sex, perception, motivation, culture, and family. This essay will mainly concentrate on age, motivation, and family as some of the factors that influence the behavior of buyers.

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Age is an essential personal factor that impacts significantly on the behavior of customers. At a young age, the needs for customers will not be the same as those that they have when they grow older. As individuals grow old, their lifestyles change and therefore the products they purchase also change. For instance, young consumers will spend more on satisfying the needs for entertainment and fashion. On the other hand, when the same consumers have advanced in age, their expenditure on such things will reduce and may focus more on real estate investments. Also, the food choices for young consumers vary from those of older ones. The consumption of chocolates is mainly evident in young people, but it reduces when in the case of older consumers.

Motivation is a psychological factor that significantly influences the behavior of consumers. When consumers are in need of a product, motivation acts as an inner force that drives them into buying the commodity to satisfy the necessity. When a need is not met, it will motivate the customer into purchasing a commodity that will meet such a need. For instance, the need for security will stimulate consumers into buying products for a break in alert or fire alarms to avoid danger. Additionally, the need for reinforcement will inspire consumers to purchase classy clothes or jewelry as this will create recognition and approval from friends. Moreover, the need for consistency will inspire a consumer who likes football into buying products like football jazz.

The family also plays a great role in the purchasing decisions of people. The part that individuals play in their families has an impact on the products they buy. Also, the level of family unity will make a buyer consider the preferences of the family members first before making a purchase. For instance, kids may persuade their parents into purchasing products like televisions. Likewise, a spouse will buy a dress or a suit by considering the color or design that the partner prefers. Similarly, the buying decision of a parent is influenced by what the children love. For instance, when decorating the house, the parent will consider the paint color and the patterns that every family member will approve before procuring the products.


In conclusion, the behavior of consumers is influenced by different factors from buyer to buyer. The elements inspire customers to make different decisions concerning various products. The influences include the age of consumers, motivation and also family. As such aspects change, the consumer behavior also changes.

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