Essay Sample on Cheerleading

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  4
Wordcount:  1006 Words
Date:  2022-07-18


Cheerleading can be described as the variety of activities carried out with the aim of providing support and encouragement to a team. Usually, these activities are carried out by people who identify themselves as supporters of a particular team. Competitive cheerleading refers to scenarios when cheer squads are given a chance to compete against one another. In most cases, each group is given not more than three minutes to do their presentation. Cheerleading involves activities such as dancing, stunts as well as jumping. In as much as some people do it for fun, others do it for the sake of a living. I remember watching these competitions on television while at the age of five. I enjoyed how the Japanese and Chinese performed while supporting rugby competitions. Later on, I come to learn that there are avenues and festivals where cheerleader groups meet and compete. My interest in participating in cheerleading grew as my age advanced. With the help from my parents, I managed to join a certain club in the states and my experience from there has never been the same.

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I was lucky to meet other young ladies who had the same passion as mine. Coincidentally, I happened to be the group leader of my team. We would meet during the weekends and have fun as we mastered our art. Within a concise period, our efforts were recognized, and from there, we could be called to grace events. Step by step we started making money but then we were very young, so we were not allowed to handle money. The club had hired a manager who could always help as sort our monetary issues including on how we spend the cash. Lucky enough, we had a very supportive manager whose advice never disappointed. She always encouraged us to be helpful to the less fortunate. At first, we could not understand what that meant and all we could do is buy toys and take them to our siblings and friends. After all, we were children, and we had nothing more to do with money. As time went by, I went on maturing, and by the moment we were joining high school, everyone was able to manage their finances. For once I could make some few coins without having to depend on my parents.

I also grew psychologically in the sense that I learned how to win and how to lose. Initially, I was very emotional especially when we lost in a given competition. Since I was the captain of my team, I could not believe that I am the leader of a losing team. We have won several and equally lost. The togetherness of my team was demonstrated when one of our members was diagnosed with cancer. It was a tough situation for the team as well as for the team in general. Being the team captain, I had to organize fund drives for the essence of raising money to cater for treatment. Cancer is a monster that is hard to contain especially when it is discovered in the later stages. Additionally, it requires large sums of money for one to afford the therapy sections. We mobilized enough funds to facilitate her treatment, but unfortunately, the worst thing n life happened. She lost her battle, and if anything, that was the lowest moment we ever had a team. It was unbearable. The fun we had all together was no more. We all broke down on hearing the news, but then we had to accept the reality of life. In her respect, I mobilized the rest of the group and up to know, we have managed to raise cancer awareness as well as started charitable programs to help those affected.

The experiences that I have had as cheerleader have taught me a lot of issues about life. The pain of losing a teammate and a friend has made me realize that death is part of life. In my early years, I had the primitive mind that death is only for the old. Away from the hard feeling, I also have had other issues to learn from the sport. First, teamwork is the way to go. Nobody in life can be able to succeed by themselves. We all require one another at some point in life. The spirit of hard work is another trait that I have been able to acquire through the sport. We keep practicing harder and harder to perfect our skills. It is true that hard work pays and I can attest to that. The far we ever got as a team is due to sheer hard work. Teamwork has been our working strategy, and it has proved to work over the years. Similarly, timeliness for practice sessions has been our guiding principle. Those who turn for training late are penalized as a way of training the team that keeping time is part of the sport.


The biggest lesson that I have learned from the sport is the impact of the brain in all aspects of life. It is all about conditioning the mind to do a particular thing. Competitions require enough preparedness of the mind. Unprepared minds are likely to mess up at the events due to pressure. Being physically fit us another trait that our trainer kept on insisting. It causes no harm by having regular body exercises. After all, it is an added advantage to the body. Not giving up in life regardless of the circumstance is one of the issues that we have embraced as a team. The fact that one of our members still kept on practicing with the team even though cancer was overcoming her always motivates me to keep on pushing to greater heights in life. In life, it is still advisable to work with set targets. That way, one can easily measure if they are making progress downwards or upwards. It is only through the sport that I have understood the value life, and it is in my plans to keep embracing the game.

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