In this part of the study, the methods for assuring the trustworthiness of the data is discussed. A research study defines trustworthiness as demonstrating reliable content and data that is well-structured. Further, the validity of the analyzed data espouses the trust in the data by the researcher, the participants, and the audience, and how this trustworthiness is exhibited in the study findings and conclusions.
Reliability. The study relied on the second opinion to test the credibility and credibility of its findings. The member checking approach was intended to help infer the intended meaning from the responses by the various study participants after a thorough review of all the interview transcripts admitted in the study (Moser & Korstjens, 2018). I facilitated the transcript review process by availing all the transcribed interviews, the conclusions drawn from the responses, and the data collected to all the participants so they could offer additional information, correct or clarify the data (Bengtsson, 2016). In the data analysis stage, the methods, procedures, and designs followed intense and careful considerations to guarantee that the findings were reliable and valid. During the phase, the focus was on overarching themes. Hence, the identified themes were compared with available peer-reviewed studies that included the expected outcome from the conceptual framework of team building and leadership in information technology.
The study ensured the reliability and verifiability of semi-structured interviews. I used thematic analysis and employed NVivo 12 for Mac to ensure the identification of primary themes for the study. The validity and reliability of an outcome is directly related to the researcher's capacity to communicate the reality through the collected data, the analysis approach employed, and the conclusions made. The trustworthiness reflected enables other researchers to determine the demonstrated objectivity and validity (Connelly, 2016). The reliability of results derived from a trustworthy content analysis helps to shape the validate the study objective through well-saturated data. Reliability and trust of a study is derived from thorough preparation before conducting the study. It is also derived from a detailed discussion of the processes that guarantees the care of the data collected, their analysis and the reporting phase (Moser & Korstjens, 2018).
Validity. Demonstrating validity in a study is as essential as ensuring the reliability of the data. Validity is an integral aspect of the design, analysis, and inference of qualitative data. The validity of data encompasses the researcher's assurance on the pointed scope of the measurements of the study objectivity. For this study, I maintained a series of evidence, including all the interview responses and the thematic analysis results. In a qualitative study, the researcher demonstrates credibility through the validation of the data to ascertain its correctness. In recognition of this requirement, I employed methodological triangulation as a means for strengthening the credibility of this study.
Every participant reviewed the post-interview transcripts to help validate the results. The participants were also allowed to conduct member checking and asked to provide clarifications on the interpretations of the data. The process that requires participants to transcribe their interviews as recommended by Morse (2015) offers the opportunity to refine and provide additional perspectives to the data. Transcript review and member checking are undertaken before the data analysis to prevent challenges with deciphering and understanding the meaning of the participant responses. For this study, I defined the scope of the study subject and employed methodological triangulation to establish and demonstrate the credibility of the data. The approach confirms the transferability of the data and the generalization of the study outcomes. Further, the scope of the study was clearly stated and a resourceful sample used. Through purposeful sampling, methodological triangulation, member checking, and transcript review, I managed to demonstrate data accuracy, credibility, and saturation.
Different research methods, such as surveys, observations or ethnographic studies, or quantitative experimental methods, were not applied in this research due to their limitations with regards to the validation of the data. Reviews do not provide a sufficiently broad explanation of the phenomena in question. Instead, a survey would give a narrow understanding of the effects of transformational leadership. A case study allowed for in-depth research as well as observations of multiple phenomena. The case study was compelling because it was less limited by the researcher's biases.
The qualitative methodology was appropriate because it is enabled the researcher to determine how transformational leaders address inefficiencies in communication among team leaders in the IT organization. Quantitative methods are necessary when evaluating a scientific theory using statistical data that is quantifiable. However, mixed methods were applicable when collecting corresponding data to conduct parallel or convergent qualitative and quantitative analysis. A quantitative, mixed-method was inappropriate since the researcher performed a critical case study. This qualitative case study focused on identifying and examining strategies transformational leaders use to lead virtual IT teams effectively, and the phenomenon that will take place in its context.
This qualitative case study explored how transformational leaders ensure trust, establish conflict resolution strategies, and address inefficiencies in communication among team members in IT organizations. This methodology was applied to utilize the data collection approach and analysis that informed the construction of the study. A qualitative research methodology was appropriate for this research because qualitative studies generally explore and attempt to understand an individual or group in a natural setting. The examination of the subject in its physical context, helped the researcher to gain insight and discover new concepts. The qualitative research methods were suitable because researchers were capable of helping identify phenomena that lend information and its occurrences. The researcher used qualitative methods to obtain a deeper understanding of lived experiences through the viewpoints of the participants directly. The approach helped to improve the trustworthiness of the outcome.
The qualitative case study design will be applicable when the foundation is in a constructive paradigm, and understanding of the phenomenon will depend on the researcher's perspective. The design of the research instruments will purposely minimize the possible interference with the behavior of the respondents by the researchers. A case study researcher subjectively keeps its meaning but does not reject objectivity. In their exact sense, case studies, thus, investigate and explore new real-life observable facts through comprehensive background study of a small number of conditions or events, as well as their relations. Using a case study design can provide an understanding of what happens in real life - a proposal for a different communication problem within virtual teams. One of the main elements found was that much of this communication was the result of cultural differences, as well as the fact that employees did always feel like they could adequately express their concerns. Similarly, one reason that virtual teams had specific issues with cohesion was that they might not share information.
The most appropriate structure for this research is a case study. Case studies are necessary for obtaining a more in-depth understanding of a phenomenon. In a case study a research technique used to analyze the information within a specific context carefully. In this study, the researcher will choose a small geographical region and a restricted number of persons as the study's subject. In their exact meaning, case studies, thus, investigate and explore new real-life observable facts through comprehensive background study of a small number of conditions or events, as well as their relations. The case study research process is an experimental investigation that explores an incident when the limits between context and phenomenon are not apparent.
A case study allowed this researcher to explore and understand difficult subjects that can be a reliable method of research, especially when there is a need to carry out a holistic and in-depth examination of an issue. Research had become very prominent when subjects regarding sociology, education, and community-based like illiteracy, drug addiction, unemployment, and poverty raised. A critical reason for recognizing a case study as a method of research is that it provides a holistic explanation about behavioral and social challenges in question. Additionally, a case study enables a researcher top advance past quantitative numerical finding and comprehends the behavioral situations through the actors' viewpoint. It can, thus, explain the procedure and the result of an event via complete reconstructive, observation, and analysis of the situation that is under study. There had been many individuals who have observed phenomena in the context of virtual IT teams, but few who have attempted to understand how and why these phenomena occur. The study research method is appropriate to use because it aims to have an in-depth understanding of how transformational leadership affects various aspects related to virtual team leadership.
The researcher explored the phenomenon in question using purposive inquiry. The research method is rooted in an incorporated approach that aims at exploring the trust level of employees in their leader as well as their attitude on a variety of subjects that relate to leadership. Design of the research instruments minimized the possible interference with the behavior of the respondents by the researchers. Also, the study's approach would fundamentally concentrate on the corresponding elements of the studied premises with trust being the transformational leadership's core ingredient. Transformational leadership's success evaluated by the intensity of the perception of employees regarding their leader as being unbiased, fair, and motivational as he interacts with employees. Leadership success measured by having the ability to induce respect and satisfaction by using work techniques. The case study, to a small extent, presents the examination of transformational leadership and how it helps in building the trust of employees in their leader as they work as a virtual team in a technology company.
Case study research intended to influence business practices and theory within the modern business environment through an exploration of the real-life context of virtual IT team members. Qualitative research study intended to answer a research question that explored the perception of IT team members concerning positive communication, conflict resolution, and trust between team members and leaders within virtual teams. A qualitative case study was selected as the methodology to accomplish this goal based on the intended purpose of case study research. The experience of IT team members examines through case study methodology to assess their perception of transformational leadership interactions and underlying behaviors for future business practices within modern business environments.
The exploration of IT team members' perceptions and experiences with transforma...
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