Majority of the young adults experience custom milestone such as acquiring jobs, marring, and getting children at a later age compare to that of their parents. During young adulthood, the adults need to have hade milestone ranging from complete physical growth, cognitive milestones, emotional development, social development as well as sexual development (Pinquart, 2014). At this age, a young adult should start experiencing social need among them having a family. Currently, a majority of young adults in the current world are experiencing delayed milestone even though their development milestones during childhood were excellent. A critical indicator of delayed adulthood milestones is the increasing number of young adults who are living in their parents' homes. Ideally, young adults between the ages of 24 years and 35 years and above are supposed to have moved out of their parents' homes to start their lives alone and independently.
Physical development of young adults is fully achieved. It includes the height and other physical characteristics (Pinquart, 2014). At this age, the person will have undergone complete body development unless the person has different challenges. It is also at this age that the cognitive aspect of this person is fully developed (Pinquart, 2014). At this age, the person takes up the roles of an adult; additionally; there is an urge of learning more of the adult responsibilities. A young adult starts have a full understanding of abstract concepts, and they are aware of their inabilities and consequences of the choices they make. Under cognition development, young adults start developing career aspirations as well as working towards them (Pinquart, 2014).
The emotional development of young adults is fully developed. Most of these adults tend to move into adult connections with their parents (Winnicott, 2018). They also become empathetic about specific issues. They are also able to withstand peer influence from their age mates and can make their own decision. At this stage, this group tends to have stronger and better intimacy skills, and they feel that they need a lifetime partner to marry. They also get more awareness about their bodies and the body image as well. These are some of the indicators of emotional development which is a critical milestone of growth. Other developmental milestones in this group are sexual development (Pinquart, 2014). Young adults become more active in sexual relationships. It is at this age that most of them marry. They also understand their sexual orientation better at this stage, and they also experience a higher sexual intensity among other changes. Throughout these developments, health promotion is essential throughout the entire life (Edelman, Mandle, & Kudzma, 2017).
Developmental Theorist
Development of a human being has been explained using several theories by various theorists. These theories may target an aspect of development and then expound it more. Concerning the case given of an obese 26year old man with hypertension can be explained through the theory of ecological systems by Bronfenbrenner. This theorist tries to explain how the ecosystems may determine the development of a child in a variety of ways. He says that depending on the environment that a child is developing, several aspects may influence how the child develops (Lau, & Ng, 2014). He brings a context of the systems of relationships that may be integral to the environment that the child is growing. In his theory,
Bronfenbrenner defines complicated layers of the surroundings and how each of them affects the growth of a child (Lau, & Ng, 2014). The method was later named as bio-ecological systems theory. This was to stress that the biology of a child is the primary determinant and force that drives the development. Interaction between the child and other factors as the child matures may impact the physical, mental, and physiological growth of the child. The community, the family, the social, economic environment of a child in their development may cause significant effects to the life of the child even in his/her adult life (Lau, & Ng, 2014). For example, a child growing in a violent family may be affected psychologically and may end up being violent later in his life.
Similarly, a person who grows in a family whose diet is junk may develop physiological issues such as lifestyle diseases to include diabetes, obesity, and hypertension. From the case provided, the 26year old young man who has obesity and border-line hypertension may be associated with the environment he was growing, or even the current environment (Lau, & Ng, 2014). Perhaps what the young person consumes could be the cause of his problems as it forms a part of his environment. The theory states that the situation is a significant influencer of growth and development.
Bio-ecology theory by Bronfenbrenner, as explained earlier, is an integral theory that attempts at explaining the etiology of developmental problems (Lau, & Ng, 2014). After critically looking into this theory, a person may be in a position to relate the issues in the case of the young man to the theory. It makes one understand that the environment that the young man was growing or is in could have had effects on his health and development as presented in the case. Therefore, having this knowledge will assist in advising the person. The experience will let him know what to do and what not to do to help in solving his health problems.
First, this theory provides a ground on which several bio-ecological modifications can be made. The diet that this patient takes is part of his bio-ecological life. As a result, the aspect of nutrition ought to be modified to solve the problem of obesity. Food is a vital determinant of body weight. Taking junks will make a person put on weight which is unmanageable, which may lead to obesity. The client would, therefore, be educated on how to modify his diet to make it safe. The advice would also assist him in manage his weight to have the correct bodyweight that does not cause health issues.
Secondly, the way of life of a person is part of bio-ecology. A sedentary lifestyle may cause the problems presented by the young man. Basing on the theory, a nurse will be in a position to assist the patient in solving his health problems. This theory would also form a base on which the client can be advised on shifting from a sedentary lifestyle into more active life. An active lifestyle will not only help in weight management but also in managing and controlling hypertension. Sedentary life being part of the bio-ecology of a person, may influence the development of a person in such a way as presented by the patient. Therefore, this theory would be an excellent tool for managing these problems.
Family Involvement
Family is an integral part of a human being. As mentioned earlier, the family may determine the health and development of human beings (Thompson-Hollands, Edson, Tompson, & Comer, 2014). When a person gets a health problem, the family becomes a vital player in getting the patient well again. Therefore, a collaboration between health care providers and family aid in speeding up the healing process. According to the case provided, the family of this young man will play a significant role in helping him. The family will have an active involvement to ensure there is a collaboration with the healthcare providers.
First, the family of the young man will be involved in changing and modifying the bio-ecology of their family member. The family will assist in ensuring that the diet of the young man is checked, well prepared, and well balance as per the recommendations by the healthcare provider. Diet is critical in managing the weight of a person. The patient is in need of losing some weight. A successful journey in weight reduction involves proper life modification such as nutrition as well as living an active life. The family will, therefore, take the first line to ensure that their loved one is on the correct diet and is active.
Secondly, reassuring their family member is integral. Obesity in young persons makes them lose their self-esteem, which is a severe problem. It may lead a person into depression the family should be supportive of making one of their members accept his condition and to work on it (Thompson-Hollands, et al. 2014). A supportive family would prevent loss of self-esteem which would go a long way in preventing depression and causing other problems. Checking on the blood pressure of the patient regularly would aid in determining any abnormalities, which may be useful in preventing complications of hypertension. Monitoring of the blood pressure would be another way in which the family gets an involvement in assisting this patient.
Health Promotion Messages
Some of the health promotion messages that can be given to this patient may include to ensure health promotion (Edelman, et al. 2017). Messages such as nutritional guidelines, activities, among others are helpful. First, the patient can be advised on nutrition. The patient should ensure that he takes a healthy diet instead of junks. The patient should avoid taking too much starch and animal-derived proteins and instead to take high fiber foods and lots of water.
Additionally, the patient should avoid fatty foods. Adopting an active life instead of sedentary life would go a long way in managing his conditions. Taking part in simple exercises assist in burning excessive energy which when not used by the body is stored in the form of fat, hence, obesity. Regular blood pressure check would be imminent in ensuring it is controlled. Controlled blood pressure aids to prevent complications that emanate from elevated blood pressure. Some of the complications may include as a cerebral vascular accident. Finally, the patient should be advice on compliance with antihypertensive drugs to keep the blood pressure under control.
Edelman, C. L., Mandle, C. L., & Kudzma, E. C. (2017). Health promotion throughout the life span-e-book. Elsevier Health Sciences.
Lau, J., & Ng, K. M. (2014). Conceptualizing the counseling training environment using Bronfenbrenner's ecological theory. International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling, 36(4), 423-439.
Pinquart, M. (2014). Achievement of developmental milestones in emerging and young adults with and without pediatric chronic illness-a meta-analysis. Journal of pediatric psychology, 39(6), 577-587.
Thompson-Hollands, J., Edson, A., Tompson, M. C., & Comer, J. S. (2014). Family involvement in the psychological treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder: A meta-analysis. Journal of Family Psychology, 28(3), 287.
Winnicott, D. W. (2018). The maturational processes and the facilitating environment: Studies in the theory of emotional development. Routledge.
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