Essay Example on The Drive to Excel: Family & Determination as Motivation

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  747 Words
Date:  2023-09-04

The main reason that motivates me to excel professionally and academically is my family and children (Butler, 2003).Since I am the eldest in my family, I struggle to lay a good example for my siblings to follow. I am so determined to show them that everything is possible if they stay determined and motivated. I am my resilient critic, so I anticipate nothing but high when academic accomplishment is in question. I want my siblings to realize that they can achieve a lot with determination, hard work, and persistence.

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My family is my greatest motivation, and I will never give up on my goals and dreams of success (Butler, 2003). I learned that my mother stopped learning to aid in taking care of her sisters and brothers, together with her mother, when I was still a child. My mother forgone this excellent opportunity to be a caregiver and, unfortunately, passed before I started my senior year in secondary school. I am much motivated to shine so i can prove to the family that I can accomplish my goal of becoming a great teacher in the future. I have two elder brothers and a younger sister, of which none has ever graduated in university or college. I am so much motivated to not only graduate but graduate top in my class. I encourage myself consistently so to shine academically to meet all the goals I have laid.

My goal to become a teacher allows aiding my children together with others (Butler, 2003). They are many children who want a caring, loving, and passionate teacher. Each child is different and has unique needs that require to be attended. My motivation is to nature the best in every child so that they can do well in both class and real life. I am strongly motivated to know the potential in my children, and this increases my energy to aid them for that potential to be seen in academic development as well as in social life. I express persistence by not giving in and keeping my goals in the head. I need to work with learners to encourage them and challenge them to shine both in and out of class daily. I also want to inspire parents to be engaged in their children’s learning so that the children can get the best education.

My most considerable motivation emerges for my family because they are my strongest supporters and the most excellent source of motivation as well (Butler, 2003). When gazing at my husband putting effort to work, it encourages me to put more energy too. His dedication to work motivates me to resemble him. He is a self-motivated person; hence I try a lot to imbibe his positivism into my life. He is a source of firm confidence and realizing where to slow down and putting more effort is something I have copied from him.

Success is another factor that stimulates me to a good job—realizing that perseverance and hard work will enable me to achieve higher professional success I what keeps me moving (Butler, 2003). Aligning my vision with that of my institution is an excellent way to be motivated. When I realize that all m effort is leading me in the right path, it stimulates me to push even more. My motivation is witnessing my children achieve their goals both in and outside the class.

Helping and empowering children motivates me the most (Butler, 2003). Since children need an extra drive to achieve keep going, I am always encouraged to help them to keep putting more effort. It gives me a sense of boldness that I can aid someone. I usually make sure that I have helped them solve a different problem or add some value every time we interact in class. This motivates me a lot in my profession as a teacher.


Working in a team is something that has motivated me to excel in my profession. The conflux of ideas, opinions, and thoughts influenced me to know and learn from my fellow teachers (Butler, 2003). I initially believed that I could achieve my professional goals alone, but with time, I realized the impact of teamwork, which has greatly helped me know that I need help everybody to achieve my profession goals.


Butler, S. K. (2003). Helping urban African American high school students to excel academically: The roles of school counselors. The High School Journal, 87(1), 51-57.

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