Essay Example on Technology Revolutionizing Urban Planning: Impact & Benefits

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  4
Wordcount:  854 Words
Date:  2023-05-21

In the past few years, the world has gone through a lot of changes. Most of these changes are aimed at making the world to be a better place. One of the notable changes that have been seen in the world over the past few years is the rise in technology (Mago & Kaur, 2012). Technology has come along with a lot of positive impacts, and this has improved services in various areas. One such area that has received a positive impact on urban planning. Urban planning requires the help of technology so that it can be able to plan its activities effectively (Plosch et al., 2016). For example, in urban cities, traffic has been a major concern. Therefore, there has been concern about how traffic can be managed to ensure that the cities are not congested. Improving traffic flow is a key use case for machine learning as well as the internet of things (IoT) (Zhang et al., 2018). In this case, there have to be proper urban decision support systems that allow the interested parties to be able to simulate various urban designs to evaluate the effect of land use on urban performance characteristics.

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Object Oriented Modelling Class ModellingObjected oriented modeling is one of the ways that can be used to effectively create a traffic system that flows effectively. In this case, objects will be used to show how the flow of traffic in the urban center will be after it has been accomplished effectively (Bhadouria, Rucker & Carver, 2017). The major key concepts of the object-oriented design include encapsulation, interface, inheritance as well as polymorphism. Therefore, when developing an object-oriented design of the urban centers, it is important to ensure that all the concepts are included (Huda, Arya & Khan, 2015). Below is an object-oriented representation of how the flow of traffic within the city will be managed.

In the above object-oriented model, there are various elements that will have to be observed to ensure that there is a smooth flow of traffic within the urban center. In this case, the internet of things will play an important role in ensuring that the flow of traffic is enhanced (Schuster & Schulze, 2012). Various devices, such as automatic timers, will be used to control the traffic lights at various points within the city. There are different forms of traffic lights that are presented at various junctions within the urban center. These devices will be able to detect the size of traffic within the city so that the lights can be able to change at an appropriate time and ensure that traffic flows smoothly (Abdullah & Srivastava, 2013). In this case, when the traffic light turns red, it means that the vehicles should stop while yellow means getting a ready and green go. Therefore, when all the aspects in the above object-oriented diagram are followed accurately, the urban city will be managed well, thus ensuring there is a flow of traffic.


Concluding, the rise of technology has come along with various advantages, and one of them is the development of traffic control systems. The traffic control systems are aimed at ensuring that the urban centers are managed well, thus ensuring there is no traffic. Therefore, there should be a proper use of the internet of things to be able to create traffic systems whereby vehicles are capable of moving efficiently. In this case, coordination should accurate and be able to minimize the weight of the traffic through the use of object-oriented modeling.


Abdullah, D., Srivastava, R., & Khan, M. H. (2013). Testability estimation of object-orienteddesign: a revisit. International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer andCommunication Engineering, 2(8), 3086-3090.

Bhadouria, S. M., Rucker, A. T., & Carver, J. W. (2017). U.S. Patent Application No.15/099,137.

Huda, M., Arya, Y. D. S., & Khan, M. H. (2015). Evaluating effectiveness factor of object-oriented design: a testability perspective. International Journal of Software Engineering& Applications, 6(1), 41.

Mago, J., & Kaur, P. (2012, April). Analysis of quality of the design of the object-orientedsoftware using fuzzy logic. In International Conference on Recent Advances and FutureTrends in Information Technology (iRAFIT2012) Proceedings published in InternationalJournal of Computer Applications (IJCA) (pp. 21-25).

Plosch, R., Brauer, J., Korner, C., & Saft, M. (2016). MUSE: A Framework for MeasuringObject-Oriented Design Quality. Journal of Object Technology, 15(4), 2-1.

Schuster, S., & Schulze, S. (2012, September). Object-oriented design in feature-orientedprogramming. In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Feature-OrientedSoftware Development (pp. 25-28).

Zhang, Y., Grignard, A., Lyons, K., Aubuchon, A., & Larson, K. (2018, July). Real-timemachine learning prediction of an agent-based model for urban decision-making.In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Autonomous Agents andMultiagent Systems (pp. 2171-2173). International Foundation for Autonomous Agentsand Multiagent Systems.

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Essay Example on Technology Revolutionizing Urban Planning: Impact & Benefits. (2023, May 21). Retrieved from

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