Movie Analysis Essay on Circle

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  624 Words
Date:  2023-05-01


The film is a scary psychological fiction thriller, which is directed by Aaron Hann and Mario Miscione. The gripping movie features a group of other people who find themselves in a circular room and they have no idea how they got there. Soon, they surprisingly start to die one at a time based on the rules that have been formulated in the room; they have to vote a person who will be killed next. They are forced to figure out how they can survive.

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The subjects that the circle movie covers include Julie Benz, Michael Nardelli, Carter Jenkins, and David Reivers.

The plot of the film features Alien invasion. In this movie, aliens select a group of people and put them in a closed room. The people are instructed to play a certain game where they vote a person out and the individual is killed. The aliens are making these decisions for unknown reasons. Assumptions can be that they want to reduce the population or they are experimenting with humanity and their moral code.

The issue that the film raise is that alien's decisions has an impact on the lives of all humankind. The main purpose of the film could be anything, for instance, the study and experimentation in gambling game could be the best strategy to reduce the population.

The major themes of the circle film include the majority is the right, morality of ethics, and leaders and followers. To begin with, the majority is the right, a group of individuals is put in a closed room but when they play the game, only one person dies at a time. The rules of the game are simple in that every person can see and control the game on his/her own and this is done using hands. The machine only chooses and kills the middle living person with the highest vote. Unfortunately, if no one votes, a random person is killed. The morality of ethics in the same parallel is how humans develop a perception to judge others on the rules that they did not develop by themselves. As with benevolence, all actions of moral agents are supposed to be motivated by character traits. As the groups are formed, one sets their rules and tends to objectify other groups. Lastly, there is a theme of leaders and followers. Every group has an emergent leader and followers who need to be guided as they vote.

The film is historically accurate and realistic because it uses human characters. Human species are the only ones that are capable of scheming and at the same time, they can assess the situation. For example, how humans consume the earth's natural resources given that the primary aspect is short term. No matter the situation, some people can function with the moral code and it is this balance that can make the game co-exist.

The movie supports the philosophical pondering that we learned in class in that they have helped me to come to a critical understanding of what happened in the movie. For instance, determinism theory helps to understand that everything in the movie happens for a reason. Determinism ultimately lets humanity know that they are not in control, in that, everything is pre-determined from the beginning of time. In the movie, in particular, it is clear to say that God foreknew that aliens would be coming to test humans. However, like humans, they are nothing they can do about it.


In summary, the strengths of the film are vibrant at the ending. There are a significant number of survivors, and this group had been consistent with their morals. The film has a weakness when Eric votes for the kid and the pregnant girl to be killed.

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Movie Analysis Essay on Circle. (2023, May 01). Retrieved from

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