Essay Example on Tech Advances Enhance HR: Positive Change Ahead

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  476 Words
Date:  2023-04-09


Technology has advanced to the benefit of everyone, including Human Resource Managers. The advantages of adopting technology in the Human Resource environment are more than the disadvantages. One of the common problems is the loss of jobs that can be done by the use of technology. The changes resulting from technological advances in the HR environment are positive.

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Change Resulting from Technological Advances in the HR Environment

Technology has positively impacted HR services within organizations. It has changed the management of employees and recruits to ensure that organizations get the best employees who can deliver as per the expectation. Technology has positively impacted how recruits are contacted, how employee files within the organizations are stored, and analysis of job performance for employee appraisal (Stone et al., 2015). Human Resource Management involves a lot of communication, and technology has made communication easier. It has made it easy for the HR managers to contact all employees when necessary on a timely basis and give any essential feedback on time, for example, through emails or bulk messaging (Stone et al., 2015).

Technological Tools that Enable HR Managers to Perform their Duties

There are technology tools that allow HR managers to perform their duties. The managers need to effectively perform their obligations to ensure that organizations have the right workforce as necessitated by the functions. One such technological system is the Human Resource Management System. It helps the Human Resource Managers gather and store data that can easily be accessed and processed for use on a timely basis (Stone et al., 2015). The system provides data solutions in a better form that can easily be used.

Recruitment software is a technological tool that has been embraced by HR Managers. Recruitment of suitable employees is not an easy task. It involves many interviews that are costly and time-consuming (Stone et al., 2015). Recruitment software is a technology tool that has offered great assistance to HR Managers. The streamlining of the hiring process by the recruitment software helps the HR Managers get the best employees without manually doing the work (Stone et al., 2015).

HR managers have benefited from technology. The amount of manual work to be done has reduced, thus creating more time for policy formulation to improve the working environment. Every organization should put in place technological tools that align with their functions to enhance productivity. Technology has made work more efficient and easy for Human Resource Managers.


Stone, D. L., Deadrick, D. L., Lukaszewski, K. M., & Johnson, R. (2015). The influence of technology on the future of human resource management. Human Resource Management Review, 25(2), 216-231.Retrived from:

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Essay Example on Tech Advances Enhance HR: Positive Change Ahead. (2023, Apr 09). Retrieved from

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