A steel industry named Tata established in the 1900s with a vision of giving back to the society just as the society saw to its growth and flourishing. Its foundation was based on true nationalism. The founder, Jamstji Tata, built several foundations for today's India's charity organizations. Industrialization and scientific development foundations were the major concerns of this great man not forgetting education and his championship for better treatment of workers during the construction of the Tata plant. Jamsetji's legacy is kept alive by succeeding leaders of the group such as J.R.D Tata who encouraged industries to help the communities surrounding the firm. It was just to do so since the communities were major partakers in the growth and development of the plant. He encouraged the industries to make sure its environs enjoyed peace, health, and prosperity. His successor, Ratan N Tata, emphasized that the purpose of their companies was not only the conducting of business and profit realization but also being responsible for Indian citizens.
The plant strived to their level best to uphold their principles for over a century and they consider this a milestone. Bettering the lives of its employees is one of its many development projects. In everything, the factory decided to do it always put the interests of their employees at the forefront which is one of its major attributes. Tata plant advocated for the growth of businesses by constantly getting involved in the bettering of the town infrastructure and building of social amenities and even civil structures such as parks. Family planning was another great attribute of the plant as India was and is still known for its large population. They shared and still share family planning measures to help in the management of the population. They achieved this by putting up hospitals, dispensaries and even mobile medical units in areas where these amenities were scarce.
As discussed earlier, a charity has been Tata's major consideration and this has enabled them to come through with relief help to the Indian population during trying moments such as when natural calamities strike. Its workers donated wages and volunteered work in such moments have been of great help as they try to help pull through such situations. The group is committed to improving the quality of life of its employees. Seizing opportunities for the coming days and creation of a future that will better their company has been their vision ever since.
Use of White Space
The use of white space is considered one of the most effective ways to do away with irrelevant information in the slide thus making the slide clearer. This helps in achieving the topmost objective of a presentation slide and that is catching the attention of the audience and helping them focus on what is required. White space, in this case, has helped the presenter achieve all of the above mentioned. The achievements, plans, visions, and all the relevant information that was required have been made to stand out since that was the major focus of the presentation. The white space in this presentation slide has been used to shut all the noise made by the other figure on the slide drawing all the attention to the writing that is screaming on the white space. It has helped the presenter organize their slide in one topic per page which helps the audience understand without getting mixed p with everything that is going on, on the page. Besides it also helps the presenter air out all their information without getting everything mixed up.
White space in the slide has been used to attract the eyes; it has been used to draw attention to the audience with the aspect that it surrounds the important information in the slide thus leaving nothing else to look at other the diagrams which are part of the relevant information. It creates a balance between the diagrams and the texts. It allows the presenter to put in an infinite amount of details such as the lengthy texts which could have not been easier using a normal paragraph. It has enhanced readability; the entire presentation leaves an image in the brain since it is easier to comprehend and favors readers.
Use of Charts, Diagrams, and Other Figures
The use of diagrams and pictures in the slide has been utilized to the maximum since it helps simplify various complex statistics and bring about a vivid idea of how the plant's relief food and assistance were administered. This helps the audience understand better since they have a picture or a diagram they can relate the vivid description on the slide with.
Pictures and diagrams speak a thousand words without speaking. One might take a look at a picture and understand whichever message is being relayed without the use of words. The picture showing amenities in the town which Tata improved helps the audience understand better the depth to which the plant went to improve the living standards of the communities surrounding them.
A slide made up of just words tends to be boring, which is why diagrams and pictures are used to spice the slide making it visually pleasing. This draws the attention of the audience thus enhancing the chances of them understanding the presentation better. The pictures in the slide have made the slide interesting to look at and that attention is what is required in a presentation. Moreover, charts help analysts who might use the presentation later to extract other information from the data that might come in handy.
Use of Pictures and Other Images
The use of images has been critical in creating slide presentations since the register instant reactions. Words tend to take longer since they require critical thinking to digest and that takes longer. It is believed that the brain takes a much longer time to decode words than it takes to interpret pictures which why it is advisable to use images just as in the slide. The images create the exact depiction of information to be relayed and or go hand in hand with the texts beside them. Pictures help the audience to drive their attention on the slide thus focusing on the information the slide bears. We also tend to remember pictures more than writing which makes it easier to relay the information on the slide.
Use of Text and Font Size
Using text and font size in a slide presentation is important since it helps create a contrast between the font and the background color of the slide. This helps in capturing the eyes of the audience with topics to be discussed in the slide as depicted in the Tata presentation slide. There should be a sharp contrast between the text and the background of the slide to increase readability. In the Tata slide presentation, there is consistency in the use of fonts and that made it a good presentation. It does not look exaggerated with all every type of font. That made the work more presentable for official use.
Fonts should be large for easy readability just as in the Tata slide. This gives the audience easy work to read and go through the slide on its own. This means the number of words per page would be minimized so the presenter should be brief and very descriptive at the same time to help reduce monotony in the work. Drawing attention is crucial and keeping the attention is even more important throughout the presentation. The use of bold fonts has been fully utilized in the slide to achieve easy readability. Warning and caution signs are majorly written in bold to bring out the emphasis of the information relayed. In the slide, it has been used to draw the attention of the audience. A good presentation can be realized only when the electronic slide prepared has been carefully prepared in adherence to the guidelines. The slide provided has a few hitches which when corrected will make it much better and captivating.
The heading and topics in the slide should be written in a different font from the other information in slide. This depicts the weight of the headline and also captures the eye of the audience before it can descend on the other information provided in the slide.
The slide should contain very few words per page to avoid overcrowding the white space. In a case where the white space has been overcrowded with words and other information such as diagrams and images, one might not be able to single out the main information that the slide was supposed to depict.
A good presentation slide should not have the logos of their companies on them. This only causes distraction from the information that the audience is supposed to be internalizing.
TATA. (2010). TATA CSR presentation. Presentation, Kolkata, West Bengal, India. https://www.slideshare.net/Gaurav1019/tata-csr-presentation
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Essay Example on Tata Steel: A Visionary's Journey of Nationalism & Industrial Revolution. (2023, May 08). Retrieved from https://proessays.net/essays/essay-example-on-tata-steel-a-visionarys-journey-of-nationalism-industrial-revolution
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