Police use of force and de-escalation practices has been a topic of interest recently in our society. The community has been at the forefront against the use of police force. The police force is required but only in extreme situations. Situations that are beyond the de-escalation practices put in place. The police force can get categorized into three perspectives. We can simply have police force, we can also have an excessive police force, and lastly, we can have a deadly police force. A police force is allowed when handling police-community issues, but the latter two have brought about public cry, this has led to de-escalation practices to get looked at with a microscope eye. Are they viable? If yes, then to which extent? Are they not viable? If not, then what needs to get done to make them sustainable. The de-escalation practices at the end should be a uniting factor between the police and the community at large. Therefore I am going to examine from various perspectives if the approaches used in the police force are biased or not. If biased, what needs to be put in place and if unbiased what needs to be improved.
Keywords: policing, de-escalation practices, legislation, racial equity, rules of engagement
We are looking at the use of police force and de-escalation practices. This is an issue that has currently gotten carried with a lot of weight and intensity. The way the police force carries its mandate about the law has been a questionable matter. Both the community and the nation as a whole have been concerned. When a conflict arises in the community setting, it needs to get handled in the most human way possible. Looking, for instance, is George Floyd's way case. It’s a clear indication that we need new ways of handling conflicts lawfully within our community setting. The policies that have been put forward by our policymakers are absolute good. The main issue is the way they get implemented on the actual ground. They do look good on paper. It is appealing to be right the public to be precise. But the main issue is those who execute these policies. The policies in uttermost truthfulness are not applied fairly and justly. This is a matter that needs to be pondered upon and looked with a lot of keenness.
Talking of execution, let’s look at those who execute these policies. Do they understand them, and not only that, but do they know how they should get implemented. The de-escalation practices get overused, so to say. The intensity used to resolve conflicts in society needs to be improved if not changed (Peters & 2015). For instance, the case of Floyd is an unfortunate affair. A life of a citizen ended on the spot without any trial. Use of these de-escalation practices that are not community friendly can be threatening. They can be real challenges to the police force that is using them. Due to anger and being offended, the community may decide to take the law into their own hands. Police officers could even undergo mob justice if the de-escalation practices pose a real significant threat to the community as a whole.
Besides the police officers, the community also can be in real danger. The de-escalation practices used can lead to death, as in the case of George Floyd. It can lead to individual persons getting injured, which can pose health issues. Looking at the de-escalation practices issue, I believe the use of force aspects needs to get reviewed. Simply because this can pose a challenge both to the police force and the communit7y an s a whole. A review of these force aspects needs to be done, not hastily and with a lot of keenness. This involves human beings, so a lot of care should be taken in the review process. New rules of engagement should also get outlined. Outlining new regulations will clarify how the community and police force need to engage with each other in a conflict resolution scenario. Moreover, these rules of engagement should clearly get understood by both parties [the community and the police].
Legal Perspective
Legally practices should be followed by their consequences. Repercussion should get inducted within the de-escalation of the law that addresses the use of excessive force. Such practices among the public should be a taboo, and the law should protect the community against such. The bill also should accommodate the enforcers. The police should also get protected. Individuals in the public who don't adhere to the stipulated de-escalation practices should get punished according to the law. What the law should do is to accommodate all the parties in the fairest manner. No one should be left out.
The legislatures should come up with policies that are both community and police friendly. The laws should not expose the police to the public's anger, nor should they be an enemy the community (Engel et al. 2020). Good laws will bring about a good relationship between the police and the community at large. I believe the means justify the end, and therefore the law will bring forth a good rapport between the two parties. It’s my request to the legislatures to consider the community and the police while coming up with policies governing law enforcement.
Administrative Perspective
This aspect looks at the execution point of view. How much force do the police use it towards the community in conflict resolution? What is the intensity, and is it appropriate and community-friendly. Truthfully speaking, we cannot have the law without the people. Some people need the law for them to stick to their lane. Therefore in one way or another, we need executioners, and that is the place where the administrative perspective comes in. The police are therefore entitled to enforce the law among the community. But the police also need to implement this law with a lot of care. After all, these people they are enforcing the law on are their families. This is a clear indication that no one is an island, and we need each other to execute our daily duties.
The top officials in the administration department should also make sure they take care of the rights of their subordinates [the police officers in the field]. This will help the police in carrying out their mandate without fear. It will boost their confidence when resolving conflicts in the community. Moreover, society will respect the way the police enforce the law among them.
Normative Perspective
What are the accepted norms or standards in the community concerning the use of the police force? The question needs to be addressed, especially by the policymakers and decision-makers of the de-escalation practices. The norms of a particular community need to get pondered. We can have a de-escalation practice that does not go hand in hand with the community (Engel et al. 2019). This will pose a real threat to both the police officers and the community at large. The question becomes, who will solve such a conflict? Conflict due to differentiated norms and de-escalation practices.
The use of police force in conflict resolution in society is a paramount aspect. It anyway needs to be carried out in a justest and fair manner. The de-escalation practices should be carried out fairly among the members of the community. The latter should not get carried out looking at aspects like race. Racial equity should be at the forefront when carrying out conflict resolution between the society and the police. We are all human beings, and no law is only meant for individual races while excluding others. When these laws get formulated, they are for all. The Floyd case is a sad one, especially in this Century. We should have by now learned that we are equal, no matter our skin colours. Therefore the use of police force and de-escalation practices should get carried out in equal measure to those who belong to our communities.
Concerning police use of force and de-escalation practices, some questions need to get addressed under the same topic. The problems have gotten discussed in the paragraphs below.
Policing in the 21st Century compared to the 20th Century
Policing in the United States of America has advanced in the 21st Century compared to the 20th Century. The integration of minority groups has become a key component in community interactions, with women part of enrollment. However, there are outstanding advancements of these changes, which are community-intended policing, problem-intended policing, and intelligence-steered policing. These policies are milestone advancements when comparing the 20th and 21st Century policing. The concept today in policing is democratic, with the police officers and law enforcers publicly accountable, respectful towards human regality, and officers bound by law and prosecution. The hiring processes have changed, technological advancements and integration, and also changes in the interactions of officers with the public. Policing in the U.S. has employed different managerial designs in the last 50 years, with objectives of improving public relations and community policing to help curb crimes. The deployment of surveillance technologies like drones has improved the monitoring of crime hotbeds and notorious smuggling channels that troubled the 20th Century. Police departments have procured drones for surveillance, with effective use reported by the United States Border Patrol.
Uses of the De-Escalation Tactics
Officers are trained in de-escalation tactics in the academy as a means of subverting impending damage. However, this tactic has less emphasis over the last 20 years and has brought about incidents where police use excessive force. Such events bring out legal suits against the police and political unrest, like the recent unfortunate life loss of George Floyd. At the lead are de-escalation strategies, the diversity of approaches officers employ to neutralize possibly violent meetings, such as speaking and acting peacefully and realistically with occasionally irrational people. Most officers agree that de-escalation approaches can work and eventually reduce crime. However, these officers also hold the view that these approaches would hamper win public collaboration or faith.
Police Safety
Police officers are always at risk; it is no surprise to all officers and leaders because they interact with uncertain situations. Most community members would agree with this statement, as well. While everybody approves that police officers face risks, not all know the presently developing threats. Policing is a risky profession, and the danger waits in different areas of day to day activities. The pressures of the law enforcement profession put personnel at risk for hypertension, sleeplessness, and heightened levels in harmful anxiety hormones, post-traumatic tension syndrome, and irresponsibility. Lately, the menace to law enforcement officers has extended from the familiar terrorizations of an equipped attacker, a crash in traffic during a response to a distress call, to other menace presented by technology. On social media, false accounts and friends are extensive. These fraudulent accounts might place law police officers in undeviating interaction with an offender, extremist, or even worse.
Safety of the Community
Together with other law enforcement organizations, the police force plays a vital part in keeping the community safe. However, events of recent years have portrayed a different picture, with some law enforcement officers at the heart of crimes against human rights. Part of upholding the existing societal order means that law enforcement officers do not give everybody similar chances. Capitalism advances the exact types of social activities that need a very resilient stratification of societies. The community is not entirely safe with examples of police cruelty. However, the situation could be worse if there were no law enforcers. Events like viewing, taping, a...
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