I present to us Magnimum the most dangerous yet sweet person to exist. Recalling his birth, he was born in Red Valley, a land engulfed with numerous wars. His parents were poor peasants and would do anything to ensure Magnimum’s life was well catered for until he was old enough to fend for himself. Love was all they felt for their son; hence, when they decided to allow scientists to alter his genes and place a chip in him in return for a considerable sum of money, they had him and only him in mind. The bundle of money was to save him from future pain and struggles. They wanted him to fit in and have a normal childhood like the rest of the children.
Life went on smoothly until he was fifteen. His body began to have tremendous growth spat. This could not have gotten confused with the growth one attains an as adolescence. He was bigger than his classmates in all ways. His voice was deeper and more profound. He had a beard; he was taller and had big eyes and legs. His emotions could not get controlled in any way. Every feeling got expressed as an outburst. He was either outraged, very sad, very happy, or very annoyed. It did not matter what was going on around him; any emotion could get triggered. He got checked by professional doctors from everywhere, but no scientist could explain what was going on.
At this time, he was under the care of his grandmother and uncle since his parents had passed away in a road accident when he was nine years old. They had not shared the secret of what happened during his birth with anyone. Hence, this time could not have been made any more comfortable. He wished he could understand what was going on with his body. The uncle and the grandmother did not have any answers either. At this season of time, they did not understand what to do with him. They, however, still loved him. The community around them feared the household at large. They claimed that he had been bewitched and did not want his children associating with them. It got evident when they did not get invited to community functions. No one allowed them to take part in anything, and when they decided to show up, they were the talk of the town.
With time Magnimum displayed more random explosions, implying that he could no longer live with other human beings peacefully. He had killed various farm animals and ended up defacing people who crossed him. He did all these acts without meaning to do them. The family knew that something had to get done, or else they would be ex-communicated. Some scientists who were researching about people with similar behavior traced him and offered the family to take him in for monitoring. The uncle gave his consent and took him away from his family before he could cause any harm that could not get reversed.
This was the end of life as he had known. He got taken into an institution where he met his fellow men of caliber. The institution got designed such that it housed people with abnormal growth spat. The buildings got made of materials that were hard to break into. The rooms were taller or broader than the norm he had gotten accustomed to. The beds were more significantly big, the clothes were sown personally by an assigned sewer, and their meals were genetically modified foodstuffs.
Their meals were from genetically modified foods since the crop grew fast and could feed many people with no worry of it being unsatisfactory. These crops got raised in a land near the institution. They also reared farm animals that they had genetically modified. Food was not fully cooked since with the growth spat, and they had lost their sense of taste. Their immune system was regularly compromised since the plants and animals they were given had been designed to be disease resistant.
Most of the people here had an abnormality. Either they grew too much hair, were abnormally tall, or had more prominent ears than usual. What was a constant for all was that their emotions were always all over the place. For the safety of their caregivers, they needed to be chained frequently. Magnimum was no different physically but was a little different emotionally. He had co-existed with human beings enough to understand them. Meaning he did not display his beastly nature towards the relatively rational human beings all of the time. He had his moments of weakness, yes, but in comparison with the rest of the institution's people, he had fewer outbursts.
Magnimum lived in isolation like the rest of his mates. He consistently missed home. He missed eating from plates, eating well-cooked meals, and his grandmothers' night lullabies. He also missed playing with people who is first instinct was not to fight. The rules of the center dictated that all of them got lushed using whips every evening. This was to make them lose the strength they would use in fighting so that they could go rest. This was a life he had not called for, and he felt that he did not deserve it. He craved for the day he could finally live that place, but it seemingly was never going to happen. However, he did not confirm the status of his lock-up mates but tried to embrace his human nature more. The rest of the mates made him their punching bag. They picked on him every single time they had an opportunity. He resisted fighting back most of the time, but when he could not resist, someone's nose got broken.
With time he picked up a hobby, reading books. Every time he was not under strict supervision or was not required to be doing anything, he picked up a book and read. Initially, he considered reading books on how to cook, and with time, he had mastered the art. He requested to be allowed to cook in the central kitchen, and his seniors did not refuse to, but he was under constant supervision. His next interest was music books. He got offered this genre of books with his mate from the kitchen crew. These books helped him remember his grandmothers' lullabies, and he sang them when carrying out various activities.
The odd thing about his songs was that it made every restless being feel a sort of calmness. The scientists who were looking in were amazed at the way the songs calmed them down. He did this sometimes, and these were the quietest moments ever seen in the institution. When he was not singing, everyone was in everyone's business—always picking unnecessary fights. One day the scientists waited for one of them to have an outburst and asked Magnimum to sing, the person's eruption immediately begun to fizzle away, and this was the beginning of the right turn of events.
Magnimum would now become the source of calmness in the institution. The scientists recorded his voice and played it when they required the atmosphere to be quiet. The analysis sessions were now made possible. The doctors were now able to extract samples from them. The samples were then taken through proper scrutiny. The looked at the resemblance in their genetic makeup.
After proper research, they found a similar gene alteration in most of the people housed in the institution. They replicated this gene in lab rats, and they portrayed the same growth spats and emotional outbursts. The scientist figured out that suppressing the gene would give the people their healthy lives back. They researched using reverse engineering how to do it and managed to change the condition. Once it had worked on the lab rats and rabbits, they started experimenting with it on human beings.
Within a short period of administration of the drug, they had recovered. They were not considered a threat to the community. Their hugeness shrunk down to standard height and weight. They could now eat a typical plate of food and get satisfied. However, remember they had lived all their lives wildly, so they did not know what to do given certain social situations. The next two months got filled with training on how to become like human beings. They ate using utensils; they read and wrote and learned skills that would make them relevant to society. They learned about pets, farm animals, and their relations to humankind. Also, they got educated on the presence of wild animals (Jasanoff 2016). They were taught poison from food and good manners from the bad.
After the teachings and when they were satisfied that the people were human friendly, they were allowed to integrate with the conventional society. It worked out just fine for most of them. The community accepted them back in, especially Magnimum’s family. They were grateful to have him again. The team of scientists, together with Magnimum, were recognized by the mayor of the city and rewarded (Ryan 517). Most of the reformers eventually turned into security enforcers since they were used to a life of having to handle criminal activities. They had lost their energy but still performed some activities faster than the average human beings.
The question that arose was what would happen to their future generations. Would they be born with deformities? Would it reach a point when the drugs faded, and they went back to their original behaviors? Could they sire offsprings? Would the community fully accept them knowing their past? They, however, decided to live in the present and not worry about the future.
Works Cited
Ryan, MarieLaure. "Narrative." A companion to critical and cultural theory (2017): 517-530.
Tavani, Herman T. Ethics and technology. Wiley, 2016.
Jasanoff, Sheila. The ethics of invention: technology and the human future. WW Norton & Company, 2016.
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