Essay Example on Christian Ethics: Two Aspects and Their Differences

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  570 Words
Date:  2023-08-08


Christian ethics highlight the principles that deal with the wrongness or rightness of the deeds of the Christians, resulting in the Kingdom of God. It qualifies as a sufficient moral system based on the necessity for a standard. As this standard is grounded on the holy nature of God, it is binding on all individuals. Christian ethics applies to each person, whereby God is the ultimate standard for the behavior of individuals (Thirdmill, 2017).

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Two Aspects of Christian Ethics and Differences between Christian and Secular Ethics

Dr. Frame clarifies that there are two aspects of a normative standpoint in Christian ethics. One of his aspects is that God himself is the ultimate standard for the entire moral behavior and that his character mandates that the whole population imitate him. When individuals speak of God as the absolute moral law, they imply that there is a lack of a greater standard than God's person. The goodness of God is the ultimate standard for the entire goodness. His second aspect is that God himself is indecipherable except his revelation or Word. Thus we are mandated to receive his revelation in all of its forms as our disclosed or practical standard. The revelation of God teaches us various things regarding his character, allowing us to make informed moral determinations that reflect his standard. Thus, whereas we emphasize that God himself is our ultimate behavior, we must depend on his revelation or Word as our practical behavior (Thirdmill, 2017).

Differences exist between Christian and secular ethics, even though some individuals often confuse these terms. First, Christian ethics is grounded on what God desires to do, whereas secular ethics is grounded on what society wants to do. Second, the source of Christian ethics is a deity, while secular ethics is societal and evolution construct.

Application of a Christian View of Ethics in My Professional Work

Christian ethics apply to the social work profession. I will integrate my ethics as a Christian by instilling integrity, informed consent, and self-determination. The four principles that have guided me as a Christian in my motivation to assist the poor and less privileged people are love, justice, responsibility, and self-fulfillment. In other instances, the two extra principles are added, such as the belief that deeds should produce some good and that the order is required in society. However, these motivations do not appear to be distinct from the social work principles of service. Christian ethics will help me make ethical decisions during my social work by looking from a normative standpoint by focusing on relevant behaviors or standards. In Christian ethics, as a social worker, I need to affirm the significance of general revelation in making moral decisions. I believe that God holds all humanity responsible for acknowledging and conform to those elements of his character that are disclosed to them through history (Thirdmill, 2017).

Are there things you won’t do as a social worker because of your Christian ethics? Explain

As a result of obeying my Christian ethics, I cannot impose my values, either political or religious, on clients because I believe it is a violation of ethics. However, intentionally avoiding religious and political issues proves incompetence in my profession. I will engage in the acts from a client-led standpoint.


Thirdmill. (2017, June 22). YouTube [Video file]. Retrieved from

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Essay Example on Christian Ethics: Two Aspects and Their Differences. (2023, Aug 08). Retrieved from

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