Essay Example on Assessing Emotional Intelligence: Baron EQ/I

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  435 Words
Date:  2023-09-10

Human interaction can be challenging, especially if there is no proper understanding of someone's emotional capability. Therefore, it is essential to identify an approach that would assist in finding this out, for example, Baron EQ/I. Baron Emotional Quotient Inventory is an instrument designed to assess emotional intelligence behaviors in conditions where it is not possible to do a more detailed assessment in one’s behavior (Herrera et al., 2017). Emotional intelligence consists of emotional and social dimensions of general intelligence. Furthermore, Baron EQ/I comprised of 51 items distributed across eight scales. The approach is provided in four different age groups for males and females (Herrera et al., 2017).

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The study can be critical in understanding different people and their behavior, what they like, what influences how they operate, their upbringing, and the environmental influence (Herrera et al., 2017). Being able to study this intently can assist one to interact well with others and achieve more even in place of work. Moreover, a better understanding of one’s behavior would assist in designing better ways of approaching and dealing with people hence enabling other people to feel better and appreciated. The study can also help while allocating duties for various employees due to the difference in their capability (Ajmal et al., 2017).


The Baron EQ/I can be used in hospitals, schools, forensics, human resources, and research surroundings. In such institutions, the number of people visiting or social interaction is very high, and it is essential to understand their behaviors to be able to deliver appropriately (Ajmal et al., 2017). For instance, in clinical work, the Baron EQ/I would assist the health personnel in extracting information from the patients for accurate diagnosis (Ajmal et al., 2017). Furthermore, because of the high number of people in these areas without understanding how people perceive things and situations, it would be hard to relate with them well for the betterment of an organization and achieve the desired goals. For instance, in schools, the study would greatly assist in identifying every person's ability and designing the best way to deal with them (Herrera et al., 2017). In forensics, it would be of great help to identify emotional capability and extract information helpful in an investigation.


Ajmal, S., Javed, S., & Javed, H. (2017). Gender differences in emotional intelligence among medical students. International journal of business and social science, 3(8), 205-207.

Herrera, L., Buitrago, R. E., & Cepero, S. (2017). Emotional intelligence in Colombian primary school children. Location and gender. Universitas Psychologica, 16(3), 165-174.

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Essay Example on Assessing Emotional Intelligence: Baron EQ/I. (2023, Sep 10). Retrieved from

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