Essay Example on Acid Rain: Causes, Effects & Solutions

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  629 Words
Date:  2023-05-09


Acid rain is a comprehensive terminology that entails any type of precipitation inclusive of acidic mechanisms, such as sulphuric or nitric acid, that descends to the earth's surface from the sky either dry or wet (Soni, 2019). Conspicuously, this can comprise snow, rain, hail, fog, or merely dust particles that happen to be precisely acidic. In essence, this type of rainfall outcomes as soon as nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide are discharged into the environment and consequently conveyed through the aid of wind and air streams. The two oxides consequently react with other elements such as water to generate mutually nitric and sulphuric acids. The two acids habitually mix with the precipitation prior to dropping to the ground. Dejectedly, in the event of acidic rainfall occurrence, some significant issues and concerns are very likely to be experienced by different components in the environment. Below are some of the implications to the diverse environmental components:

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Concerns of Acid Rain on Fish and Wildlife

Distinctively, the ecological implications of acid rain are utmost visible in aquatic milieus, such as watercourses. In these environments, the rain is repeatedly very detrimental to the sea creatures. Specifically, the acidic rainwater often leaches aluminum from as it flows into aquatic milieus.

For this reason, the more acid generated to the environment, the more aluminum is unconfined. In regards to this aspect, several of the plants and animals can endure the acidic waters and restrained quantities of aluminum. On the contrary, the majority happen to be acid-sensitive; hence, they die in the event the potential of hydrogen (Ph) drops. Specifically, the majority of fish eggs are unable to hatch in lower pHs. Besides, in these lower pHs, some grown-up fish die also (Rothschild, 2019).

Concerns of Acid Rain on Plants and Trees

Lifeless or dying trees frequently happen to be a shared vision in locations affected by acid rain. As stated earlier, this type of rain leaches aluminum from the soil. Apparently, the aluminum may be detrimental to plants as well as animals. In essence, this sort of rainfall confiscates the necessary mineral deposits from the earth's surface that trees prerequisite to mature rapidly (Yanarella & Ilhara, 2019). At lofty elevations, acidic mists often strip off nutrients from the plants' foliage. Consequently, this prompts the plants to engross little sunlight, making them significantly feeble and less competent to endure cold temperatures.

Concerns of Acid Rain on Materials

It is very vital to note that the mention of acid rain also involves dry precipitation. Occasionally dust particles can turn out to be acidic as well. Precisely, this is what is referred to as dry deposition. In the occurrence of acidic rain, there is the generation of dry, acidic particles that fall to the earth's surface. Subsequently, the sulphuric and nitric acids embedded in the particles often land numerous surfaces such as on sculptures, constructions, and additional human-made edifices. As a result, they damage their surfaces.

Precisely, these acidic elements oxidize the metal surfaces and cause stone and paints to depreciate more rapidly. The particles also dirty the various exteriors of buildings and other edifices such as monuments. In essence, the implications of acid rain on numerous materials often are solemn. Besides, they tend to be quite costly for the reasons that:

  • The dented materials ought to be revamped or substituted
  • The maintenance expenses augment
  • There prompt a dire loss of element on metal and stone sculptures, memorials and gravestones


Rothschild, R. E. (2019). Poisonous Skies: Acid Rain and the Globalization of Pollution. University of Chicago Press.

Soni, A. (2019). A Brief Study of Acid Rain. Journal of Innovative Research and Practice, 1(1), 06-08. Retrieved from

Yanarella, E. J., & Ihara, R. H. (2019). The Acid rain debate: Scientific, economic, and political dimensions. Routledge.

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Essay Example on Acid Rain: Causes, Effects & Solutions. (2023, May 09). Retrieved from

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