Emile Durkheim Theory Essay Example

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  632 Words
Date:  2022-12-06

Emile Durkheim theory is the concept I will use. Durkheim theories were initiated on the idea of social facts referred to as values, norms, and structures of society. Durkheim perceptive regarding the community was completely different compared to the other sociologists, as his was established on artifacts external in nature like desires of people and motivations. Durkheim viewed a functional society to be one with shared values, rules, and consciousness thus maintaining stability and order (Edles, Laura, and Scott Appelrouth 168). It is with such ideas that he got to be regarded as the functionalist perceptive creator in the fields of sociology. The Durkheim concept main focus was in the glue that held society to allow individuals to feel they had a common interest and are part of a group. Durkheim's theoretical perceptive was relevant to culture thereby having sociologists till today maintain the relevancy.

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The current event that applies the theoretical perceptive of Durkheim is the Hispanic Interest Coalition of Alabama organization that tell of stories that depict social integration. A family of immigrants in 2013 approached HICA for help due to challenges they faced since they struggled financially because of their health conditions and could not maintain any job opportunity they get. Alternatively, the language barrier was also an issue to this family and lacked even means of locomotion ("Social Integration | Hispanic Interest Coalition Of Alabama"). HICA came into their rescue and helped them settle bills and get food. Besides, housing was also an issue, Dikeledi the wife after consulting with AHEPA/Penelope Federal Housing they got help and were put on the housing assistance waiting list. HICA again helped the family in their paperwork to getting a house, and by early 2013 they moved in. In this case, HICA showed principles of social integration by ensuring this family feels like part of that society.

In applying the theoretical perceptive of Durkheim to the current event, it is evident it encompasses acts of social integration. In this case, this family was immigrants thus seen as newcomers to this society but their experience of how they were received shows how that particular society is integrated. From social integration, this family was assisted and brought into that society irrespective of the language barrier yet not losing their identity. Durkheim theory played a key role here because this family failed to face segregation as HICA organization felt the need to assist in ensuring the family feels stable and safe. It, in turn, did mend instances of them facing social exclusion, disintegration, polarization or fragmentation since they were immigrants.

An aspect is seen in Durkheim concept that explains; with social integration a society tends to meet peaceful social links of collaboration, cohesion, and coexistence. Durkheim perceptive to this event of immigrants' family depicts the idea of social integration as demonstrated on how this family adapted to daily practices, social relations and adapted to local customs of that society. In this case, it was measured from their social network as to how Dikeledi would go to the extent of seeking assistance, a connection seen built despite being an immigrant. The language barrier was one variable that aided in measuring the social integration from this family of immigrants (Brissette, Sheldon and Teresa 60). It was challenging to communicate fluently in English, but still, they got help.


In conclusion, Durkheim theoretical concept gives a deep understanding of social integration as seen in the current event of the immigrants' family.

Works Cited

"Social Integration | Hispanic Interest Coalition Of Alabama". Hispanicinterest.Org, 2019, https://www.hispanicinterest.org/social-integration/.

Brissette, Ian, Sheldon Cohen, and Teresa E. Seeman. "Measuring social integration and social networks." Social support measurement and intervention: A guide for health and social scientists (2000): 53-85.

Edles, Laura Desfor, and Scott Appelrouth. Sociological theory in the classical era: Text and readings. Sage publications, 2015): 1-688

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