Different Cultures and Their Views on Sports - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  563 Words
Date:  2023-05-02


Everyone around the globe has a differing perception of everything they come across in life, and sports are no different. Different people have different meanings that they attach to sports and its activities. To some, games are just activities done to spend free time or merely a hobby. There is another group of individuals who view sporting activities as a source of livelihoods, while others see them as forms of entertainment. This essay will discuss what people from different cultures and distinct experiences want sports to be.

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As for myself, I view sporting activities as many things. They are sources of livelihoods for athletes, entertainment for sports fans, a hobby for some among other reasons. This worksheet discussion will be based on my experiences when I visited a league football match in England, between two rival clubs based in Manchester. The teams are known for their great rivalry which has existed ever since the clubs were established. Usually, when these kinds of games are being played, the atmosphere in the city tells you everything. The game was just like any other derby and the city-streets were all painted with the colors of the rival teams. The town was red and blue, with residents either rocking a red or a blue top to signify allegiance.

The rivalry between the teams is always showcased during match day. Since my allegiance was with the red team, I was also rocking a red top to show my support. The rivalry portrayed by fans from both clubs is a vivid sign of what sports mean to some people around the world. Soccer means almost everything to Manchester fans and it is an essential part of their lives. Football/soccer clubs to these Manchester residents mean and signify loyalty, allegiance and rivalry at the same time. Soccer provides a sense of belonging and allegiance as everyone is either affiliated to red or blue.

Before the game began, the city was filled with noises and football chants. These loud chants mostly came from the most loyal fans who view the sport as a religion. These fans follow their teams around the world and are keen to every activity that happens in their favorite sports club. This group of people was also present that day and football chants could be heard for the entire soccer match.

After the game, I could see rival players exchanging hugs and jerseys, a total opposite of what was happening among the fans. Despite being their source of livelihoods, some athletes view sports as a tool for peace that can help people coexist peacefully despite their differences. There's another lot that sees sports as a health routine. These individuals only engage in sporting activities to stay healthy and keep fit. They are only affiliated with sports only because of the health benefits they acquire.


Since every individual has a different culture as well as experiences, their affiliation to sports is also different. Despite where one comes from, we all want sports to be beneficial to us in one way or the other. Athletes view sports as a source of livelihood, fans as a form of entertainment and as for others, games are meant to keep them healthy and fit. It would be safe to say that we all hold a different interest in sports and some people are not interested in sports at all.

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Different Cultures and Their Views on Sports - Essay Sample. (2023, May 02). Retrieved from https://proessays.net/essays/different-cultures-and-their-views-on-sports-essay-sample

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