Diabetes in Texas and Agricultural Projects in San Antonio Essay Example

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  488 Words
Date:  2022-12-18

Diabetes in Texas

Diabetes in Texas is on the rise and various people have set up projects to counter the situation. Most people are advocating on the use of healthy food to counter Diabetes and reduce its levels in Texas. Ron Finley presents a talk on the state of affairs in South Central with the aim of depicting how food farming has been abandoned. He presents that he lives in a "food desert" together with 26.5 Million other Americana ("A Guerilla Gardener in South Central LA | Ron Finley") Also, he points out that people are dying from curable diseases in South Central Los Angeles. They have no healthy foods and this has led to adverse health conditions. He presents that Los Angeles has a lot of vacant plots that would be used in constructive farming but unfortunately this has never happened. Generally, he encourages people to buy their own food.

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Finley's neighborhood benefited from his gardening project and have been transformed and educated on basic farming. He indicates that gardening is the most defiant and therapeutic thing that an individual could ever do, especially in the city ("A Guerilla Gardener in South Central LA | Ron Finley"). Finley encourages individuals to grow the food that they consume, and their kids will follow suit. If the people in Finley's neighborhood follow his example, most of them will enhance their health through health eating. I would also encourage participation of hospitals in Finley's project because they will be able to improve the overall health of the community around them. Localism would be applied in this context by encouraging individuals to plant food and fruits where they live.

Agricultural Projects in San Antonio

In my opinion the best agricultural project to be used in San Antonio would be the Cielo Community gardens which involves a partnership project between various religious organizations and the Green Spaces Alliance which aim at providing healthy farming space for the refugees. This would be suitable in providing healthy foods to the locals to counter the effects of eating unhealthy foods. San Antonio has a local sustainable movement which is currently thriving. One of the known projects is the Food Tank which contains ten agricultural projects whose main goal is advocating for a better food system. The ten agricultural projects are outlined as follows. The Children's Hospital located in San Antonio has the plans of incorporating a garden around the First Children's Hospital. Some of the other projects include: The Culinarian Urban Farm, The Gardens St. Therese, Local sprout, The Pittman-Sullivan community Garden, The roots of Change organic Community Garden, the San Antonio Housing Authority Gardens, the spurs community Garden and the venture labs ("10 Great Urban Agriculture Projects in San Antonio").

Works Cited

"A Guerilla Gardener in South Central LA | Ron Finley". YouTube, 2013, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EzZzZ_qpZ4w&app=desktop.

"10 Great Urban Agriculture Projects in San Antonio". Food Tank, 2014, https://foodtank.com/news/2014/08/ten-great-urban-agriculture-projects-in-san-antonio/.

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Diabetes in Texas and Agricultural Projects in San Antonio Essay Example. (2022, Dec 18). Retrieved from https://proessays.net/essays/diabetes-in-texas-and-agricultural-projects-in-san-antonio-essay-example

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