Critical Essay on Day of the Butterfly by Alice Munro

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  658 Words
Date:  2022-11-30


There are some themes being discussed in the play Day of the Butterfly by Alice Munro which includes commitment, connection, isolation, betrayal, isolation, betrayal, and friendship. As it is seen in the story is being narrated by Hellen who is looking back to the memory during her days when she was a sixth grader. The aspect which is being noticeable at the start of the story is that Munro seems to be sightseeing themes of commitment as well as isolation. It is seen that both Myra and Jimmy are left separate (Isolated) when the issue school ventures in. Jimmy is feeling with shame in relation to that he wets himself occasionally (Gale). On the other hand, Myra feels obliged since she is supposed to look after her younger brother instead of going to play with her classmates at the break - time. Another noticeable aspect at the early stages of play is the commitment that Myra shows to her brother Jimmy. It is seen that at no point she abandons her brother or think about herself alone. She puts Jimmy as her main focus and classifies herself as the sole protector.

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By having Helen describing both Myra and Jimmy as being small figures which are carved of wood and with faces that are smoothed and aged shows that the two victims are very different from other children. This aspect becomes clearer to the reader of the story as Miss Darling asks the class to play with Myra. Instead of class doing what is being advised, the class makes fun of her being led by Gladys Healey. This aspect of being made fun of results to further isolation of Myra and her younger brother.

There is an interesting aspect of how Helen is reluctant to work with Myra and Jimmy. This is because she is afraid of what other children will perceive. This shows that Helen is being concerned with her reputation which she avoids it not to be ruined (Gale). At times reaches and Helen walks with Myra and Jimmy whereby Myra keeps on looking backward to eye on Helen an aspect which makes her be proud as she regards it as popularity. Even though all traits of Helen are seen to be negative, there is that redemptive quality of sharing a box of Cracker with both Jimmy and Myra. She also allows the Myra to maintain the brooch and this issue seems to connect both Myra and Helen.

The character of Miss Darling is an important one since in among all teachers she is the only who is concerned with the welfare of both Myra and Jimmy. There is another important aspect which makes Miss Darling be important in the play. It is through her that reader easily realizes Myra has a high probability of not seeing her eleventh birthday (WALLART 98). She organizes for the class to go and visit Myra where she has been admitted and also suggest that by transferring her to another hospital in London she can get better treatment.


At the end of the story, there is an interesting aspect since Munro explores the theme of connection. This is when Myra gives Helen a gift and their hands come into contact again. However, there is an act of betrayal by Hellen when she says that she could allow her brother to break that gift (WALLART 98). This shows that Helen is very much willing to forget Myra and their friendship has short life span since Helen is afraid of reputations and her own insecurities. This is because she prioritizes on how she will be perceived by others rather than developing a solid relationship with unfortunate Myra.

Work Cited

Gale, Cengage Learning. A Study Guide for Alice Munro's" Day of the Butterfly". Gale, Cengage Learning, 2016.


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Critical Essay on Day of the Butterfly by Alice Munro. (2022, Nov 30). Retrieved from

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