Critical Essay on Broadway Play: In the Heights

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  4
Wordcount:  828 Words
Date:  2022-04-07


In the heights is a play that was performed in the year 2014 and it had many participants. The play was aimed at inspiring the viewers. It had a lot of musical incorporation with it beginning having dances in a club. The music involved portrayed that the individuals are singing were happy. It indicates that the play was performed by young people even with the physical activities that were in the play. From afar, a viewer of the play is attracted to the excitements of the performers of the play. The script of was clear that it was of a modern society unlike the many items used to make the play.

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The play used a dark color with the lights off except the blue lights at the stage. The actors seem to understand their roles in the play. They can move as the presenter of the play talks. The business advert in the play shows how the play was based on the daily activity that happens in the United States. They used a shopkeeper set up and grocery hence they were able to attract the attention of the audience. The mixing of ladies and gentlemen made their dances beautiful, and this makes the play suitable, unlike other plays which do not have a start or end.

The play also has a smooth flow of events even though they presented as if they were singing all through. The voices of the actors show the mastery of the play. The way the actors can perform the word of the main presenter makes the whole play interesting, and the audience can follow the flow of events. The loud applause after the first presentation shows how the actors were able to master their activities in the course of the presentation. The play attracts the attention of the viewers, and they seemed to concentrate. This is evident through the way they were laughing all through.

In their second presentation, they switched off the light, and this helps them to expound the meaning of the words they are speaking. They are seen to enjoy the voices of the presenters in the play who have a mastery of the songs they are singing. The play took two hours, yet the audience remained active all through. Besides that, they are clapping all through indicating that they are keen in every step of the play. It is also clear that the presenters were changing and the topic of discussion also was changed. This makes the audience not get bored by the play. Hence they can concentrate and learn more things all through. Hence, the change of authors and the story ensures that the whole play is meaningful and all groups of people can watch it. The old people are involved at some point to discuss issues that people in marriage face especially the issue of saving money for family issues.

The set design of the play is that of a normal life activities do and discuss the issues that are affecting them. The players also seem to walk away behind the stage to plan for the next episode of the play. The play also does have a clear indication of strong understanding of the things that events that people have. The actors in the play use their clothing without changing them even though they do not have the same topic in the concert. The singing in the play shows how the individuals in the play have a concern for the things that affect friends. A lot of drams is also evident in the play besides singing.

At the end of every play, they change the lights to alert the viewers that they are changing to another episode. The fact that many of them have a mystery of the script they were also becoming overemotional, and this made some of them forgot to leave the stage. The part where they act as a family, the parents educate the audience on the importance of students reporting things that are happening to them. The parents are unhappy with the decisions of their daughter to accept the college scholarship. The father also through a song shows his aspirations of having the family succeed, and he says that he would do all that it takes to ensure that his family was the best. This was very educating to the people and many other parts that had a story that was educating.


The play ends in music and dances which make it look interesting. It ends with big applause from the audience. They, at last, present themselves at the end of the play. From my view, the play is good and stands out among all other plays that I have ever seen. It has been able to address the challenges that people face. The play becomes enjoyable when the players engage in real dances, and the audience also seem to join them in the play. This indicates that the play was effective.

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Critical Essay on Broadway Play: In the Heights. (2022, Apr 07). Retrieved from

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