Collaborative Business Process Management Essay

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  623 Words
Date:  2022-08-10

On the basis of coming to nuisance as a defense, it would be important for the courts to help determine whether the plaintiff has the relevant resources to recover the damages and injuries that were inflicted on her prior to the blasting activity carried out the RPI firm in her neighborhood. This gesture calls for the particulate analysis of the background to the case to help come up with reliable holdings on the case (Cutler & Baird, 2018). From this case, it would be significant to underscore the fact that the firm was involved in a noxious trade where it violated the rights of the residents living in this neighborhood.

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With this policy, the plaintiff can be barred from accessing the full recovery from the damages caused by the activities of the RPI. This can only be applied in the case where the plaintiff only becomes part of the risk on a voluntary means (Hines, 2018). However, such cases of assumptions of risk cannot be applied in this case based on the fact that the RPI single-handedly took the idea of blasting the engines in a well-populated area with the knowledge that the whole exercise would result to some form of injuries on the natives of the land.

As a means of finding proper evidence and correct articulation of the law process during injunction, the plaintiff has the responsibility of finding the strict liability theory to help in the recovery of the losses encountered in the entire process of the firm's blasting in the process of testing machines in the community. The court may render the compensations based on the health injuries on the plaintiffs but may rescind to provide final reports on the benefit on the properties lost because of inadequate evidence to help render the claims viable or not under the US systems of law (Cutler & Baird, 2018). The remedies in such a case would include the actual objectives of the lawsuit where the personal lawyer may help the plaintiff in the understanding of the requirements of the law under study in a broad manner of events.

There are a number of options available for the compensations and equities. The plaintiff must be in a position to show that the events that unfolded after the explosion affected the lives and the health of the residents. The plaintiff where in this case is both the members of the community and Nancy must show that they suffered some harm based on the injury from the fumes produced during the blasting exercise (Hines, 2018). Most of the disclaimers that could be levied by the defendant are considered to be invalid by the courts based on the fact that these are against the public policies in the same arena


Based on the issues linked to the case, it would be significant to underscore the fact that there are three factors needed to help establish the case a strict liability offence. First, the RPI must have carried out an activity that is considered inherently dangerous to the lives of the residents of the area in which the blast was carried out (Schooner, 2018). The court, in this case, would then uphold the case against the RPI in that the firm is found guilty of exposing dangerous fumes to the residents in the abject disguise of testing the explosives in the same scenario;


Cutler, R. F., & Baird, B. R. (2018). Three D Corporation, Distributors Inc., Lorin S. Miller, Western Battery Manufacturing, Ted R. Brown and Warren B. Brown v. Salt Lake City: Brief of Respondent.

Hines, N. W. (2018). Here We Go Again: A Third Legislative Attempt to Protect Polluting Iowa CAFOs from Neighbors' Nuisance Actions.

Schooner, S. L. (2018). FALSE CLAIMS ACT: Greater DOJ Scrutiny of Frivolous Qui Tam Actions?.

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