Character Traits and Thematic Representations in a Play - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  567 Words
Date:  2023-04-12


The traits exhibited by different characters and thematic representations in a play help to deliver the intended message to the audience in a comic way. Markedly, character analysis helps to evaluate the traits possessed by literary characters in a play. Symbolism is used to reveal the traits of different characters but not their appearance and seize, which is left upon the reader to visualize. The development of a play is depicted by changes in behavioral traits of the folk in the play. As thus, efficient use of character traits in a play helps in ensuring that the intended theme and message are delivered appropriately.

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The study analyzes how characters in the Play Proof change as the play develops to make it interesting by minimizing boredom and creating anxiety for the readers. The main characters in the play include Catherine, Hal, Claire, and Robert. The study analyzes Catherine's character as the play unfolds. Catherine is the daughter of Robert, who was a renowned mathematician. She was affectionate because she spent most of her time at her young age looking after her ill father, who had died due to heart attack (Bradford, 2020). Notably, Catherine spends several years monitoring her father's health. Notably, she dropped out in college and lost the opportunity of learning because of the love of her father. Catherine's actions reveal a strong mutual father-daughter affection. Despite the existence of antagonism between Robert and Catherine, it did not ruin their affection, and she did not give up until Robert's death. Unfortunately, despite being a highly intelligent person, Catherine lacked a sense of direction. She led a miserable life after the death of her father and could barely get along with her sister, Claire.

There is a drastic change of character, from good to worse, after the death of Robert, her father. Despite the continued efforts by Claire to restore Catherine's character, she does not change and feels that Claire is interfering with her life. Catherine encounters numerous challenges after the death of her father. At some point, she thinks that she might inherit her father's illness.

The situation worsens when Catherine starts experiencing signs of mental illnesses (Bradford, 2010). Luckily Catherine meets with Hal, who was a former student of Robert and as a mathematician. As time goes, Catherine develops a strong affection for Hal. The friendship ties of the two develop over time, leading to a romantic relationship. It is at this point that Catherine's character changes. The turn of events accompanied changes in the character of Catherine upon the realization that she had written extremely advanced math.

In brief, character traits are useful in the play as they help to develop the intended theme of love, as depicted by the affection Catherine had for her father. Antagonism between Claire and Catherine throughout the play shows the existence of family conflicts even in contemporary society.

The play has successfully used the character traits to reveal the intended message of family antagonism and affection, as portrayed by the antagonism between Claire and Catherine as well as Robert and Catherine, respectively. Indeed, efficient use of character traits in a play helps in ensuring that the intended theme and message delivered appropriately, as reflected in the Play of Proof.


Bradford, W. (2010, March 22). What Makes Proof a Pulitzer Prize-Winning Play? ThoughtCo.

Bradford, W. (2020). Grief, Mathematics, and Madness on Stag

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Character Traits and Thematic Representations in a Play - Essay Sample. (2023, Apr 12). Retrieved from

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