Article Analysis Essay on The Story of Yingying

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  4
Wordcount:  905 Words
Date:  2023-05-08


The main argument portrayed in the article The seduction of authenticity "The Story of Yingying " by Manling Luo is the elements of love and traditions, and it mainly explores the authenticity as well as the implications from the perspective of the lateritic discourse formation. The story is based on Zhang, who meets a lovely Yingying who is considered as a maiden from a good family. It was then that Zhang is seen to make a move because of his feeling of love for her. It was after a while when he was given a letter from her where Cui Yingying passionately declared her love. This, therefore, reveals the element of love and romance in the story.

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True love is evident through the two characters in the story. Ying even ends up drafting an encouraging poem of seduction; however, when Zhang had climbed the wall to see her, he receives a scolding which was severe and hence is sent away. Besides, the textual complexities of "The story of Yingying" reveals both the problematic of an authentic romance, which is caught in the tied with the author's self-conscious containment of its disruptiveness as well as social propriety. The authentic love and romance between Zhang and Yingying enable him to shift the moral role for the desire for romance to his characters and also the poetic romance's affirmation by the internal audience, which gives him a chance to maintain his posture of morality (Zhan-hua, 2001). The sense of authenticity which is revealed in the story is not only strengthened by the narrator's effort of maintaining an objective narrative stance but also conveyed by the narrator's implied authoritative knowledge in the field of romance.

The narrative stance of the narrator is depicted by his incorporation of the multiple perspectives on love besides his own. He gives a summary of his love affair with Yingying as an example of the dangerous encounter with youwu the friends within Zhang's circle are inspired of elaborating on the romantic as well as the erotic aspects of the love affair where many people regard the relationship in a point of view of morality. The romance and love mainly appear to be more realistic since the behavior of the protagonist in the story make it be like a kind of love that is of real life.

On the other hand, the aspect of tradition is also clearly brought out in the story. In this case, the importance of the traditions, as well as the history through the literature in some of the cultures, are emphasized. The tradition is portrayed when Zhang turns down Yingying because of being too much emotional. Within the story, it is revealed that women, especially in Chinese culture, are mainly expected to be subservient (Ni, 2019). Despite that, it is Zhang pursuing Yingying at the start of the story, and he is turned off quickly when the love of her becomes more attached. Cui's heart is broken, and hence she passes through the phases of grief; however, it remains unclear whether one of the two began getting over the affair.

Besides, as a teacher, one can educate people about the culture of the Chinese through their poems as well as of the poet was Du Fu, who use to capture the attention of his audience by dramatizing the history (Puchner, Akbari, 2012). By having the analysis of the poems done, the students could be thought of the traditions, culture, and history. The ethical behaviors have been emphasized by Confucius in writing, which later became the common sayings. The teachers can promote learning through the various ways where they can use the chance of different upcoming opportunities of the historical events, which is emphasized in the artwork of the Chinese. There exist some of the plethoras of resources for the teachers to use under the Chinese culture. The art of literature depicted in the article is one of the forms together with an art that can be a crucial factor while learning about history as well as traditions.


In conclusion, therefore, these main argument of love/romance and traditions are distinct in the article. The traditions, as well as the authentic romance of Yingying, brings together the male literati as writers and readers. The aspect of reading, telling, and also writing of the love affair s demonstrates the kind of communal interests in the case of the traditions and romance, particularly in the romantic heroine. Through envisioning the community of literati, which is amazed and also excited in the matters love, the author diligently projects his knowledge of the demands of the community and predicts the fate of his romantic tale in it. Therefore, the canonical status of the story reveals that the crucial role it played in the romance and love development as an important trope in the Chinese culture and "The Story of Yingying " hence showing that the aspect of discourse creates some kind of reality


Zhan-hua, Y. I. N. (2001). In The Story of Yingying YUAN Zhen Implies Himself Also as a Discussion with Mr. WU Wei-bing. Journal of The Northwest Normal University (Social Sciences), 4.

Ni, J. (2019). The feminine voice of subversion and inversion: a comparative reading of "The Story of Yingying" and The Tale of Genji. Neohelicon, 1-19.

Puchner, Akbari, Denecke, Dharwadker, and Fuchs. (2012). An age of revolutions in Europe and The Americas. The Norton Anthology of World Literature(3rd ed.). New York, NY: W. W. Norton.

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